
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Goal setting for 2021? There are still possibilities even with the pandemic.

 I’ve been thinking about what opportunities and challenges are ahead for me in the new year. We probably won’t be able to go back to Berkeley for a year since our showing up means they have to take our granddaughter out of preschool 2 weeks in advance and that is hard on all when working from home. We won’t be traveling or socializing in person at least most of the year.

We can though stay connected and supportive in other ways and reach out to more family and friends who are probably also feeling isolated. We can do everything in our power to stay physically and emotionally healthy. We can learn new things and find joy. I could go on.

For me the challenge is to actually be consistent and drive myself to develop habits, routines and plans that accomplish those things. Retirement is so unstructured vs work and parenting life where so few hours were open for nonessential things that focus and drive meant a lot got done. Every waking hour had a purpose but now it all kind of runs together for me. Hmmm, sounds like I just identified the first area where I need a habit making goal.


  1. We are all learning how do deal with this new normal. Let's hope by the time we have it mastered we be able to migrate back to the old normal, but I doubt that will happen until the end of summer.

    1. I’m expecting a longer timeframe so I can be happily surprised if it is sooner.

  2. Thankful for technology to hear and see and interact, but still miss the hugs and cuddles. Hope there are lots and lots of those in all our futures soon.

    1. Yes to that! We are very fortunate to be able to work with our sons and thei families so we can safely see and hug each other occasionally. Just talked to the local ones last night and we all agreed we were isolating ourselves well so could be together for a long Christmas weekend.

  3. I know things are going to take awhile to get back to any semblance of normal and so am planning to phone my aunts a bit more often. My one aunt wants to be able to see me when we speak so I will be trying to figure out how I did that on Facebook once.

    Travel will have to wait for awhile.

    God bless.

    1. What a great idea. I’m making myself make more phone calls too.

  4. I appreciate your positive outlook. With the advent of effective vaccination (for the entire world), there is so much hope yet we know that 2021 will require diligence. We can do this! I was so glad to see the jump in percentage of Americans who are now planning to get vaccinated. That's progress.


Five plus on Friday

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