
Monday, September 7, 2020

My experience with bunion surgery: Recovery while no weight bearing (Part 2)

 Surgery Day:

In my case this was outpatient surgery that only required a sedative and nerve block from the knee down. Surgery was quick as was recovery room time. 

I was able to get in the car with the seat back as far as possible, support from the nurse, and having practiced the move required to not bang my foot! I also was able to leverage out of the car with Hubby's help and use the knee scooter as we had practiced to get in the house and into bed.

So the outpatient surgery is over. Now what? 

Well I definitely cannot put my foot down as there is no weight bearing for the first 3 weeks.

Week 1:

- This was the most painful part especially the first 3 to 4 days. Painkiller plus anti-nausea patch, Ibuprofen to reduce swelling, icing as directed, elevating my foot religiously, sleeping a lot. Washed up only and washed my hair in the kitchen sink. 

- Day 5 saw the Dr. and the bandaging came off and the cast went on. I quite easily scootered in and out of the office. Quick improvement from first couple of days.

Week 2 & 3: 

- Found that my knee started hurting now that I was scooting around a lot more. We padded the scooter with foam and that helped but I also had to use it less. Other leg got tired.

- Did not feel confident trying to take a shower so continued with sponge baths and kitchen sink shampoos. Continued icing, elevating and at night first painkiller and then just Tylenol. Had to stop Ibuprofen due to it bothering my stomach but icing and elevation do the same thing.

- Doing Zoom meetings and FaceTime calls from the couch with my foot up and my iPad on the bed tray.

- Dr. removed cast and I started wearing the walking boot except at night or when resting on couch. You also use a little foam toe separator which wouldn't stay on so I added a lightweight sock and that worked and also protected the tender incision. Started putting lotion with vitamin E on incision and foot.

Not bad for just 3 weeks from surgery!

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