
Monday, July 20, 2020

Camp Quarantine Field Trip

We are back from our 10 day trip to visit our son, DIL and 3 1/2 year old granddaughter in Berkeley.

Came home with 9 jars of homemade preserves/jam plus one plum BBQ sauce. Are going to be sending some jam across the street to our neighbor who brought in the mail and watered the plants!

We also came home to the usual post-vacation empty frig and pile of laundry - 11 days worth.

Exhaustion too. The dog is now 11 years old and couldn't sleep during the day for the most part while we were visiting both due to her own need to keep track of everyone and everything that was happening and due to the different noises and pace of the day. She had a good time but will be catching up for days as will we.

As far as I know I still am on for my foot surgery this Friday and will hear today when and where to go get my pre-op Covid test.

We were concerned about places being open for us to stop as needed so we took the very un-scenic route of I-5 from northern LA to near Sacramento and then cut over to Berkeley. It worked great. Since that is the major north-south truck route, the frequently spaced state operated rest stops along the freeway were clean and almost everyone stopping wore a mask and didn't linger. There are pet relief areas as well. We packed a lunch and stop midway had nice clean and shaded picnic tables. We will keep using this route as long as the pandemic rages.

So glad we went on this trip! Hopefully we can go again in the Nov-Dec time frame once my foot has healed.

Check in tomorrow for our grandparenting activity summary with photos!


  1. Juhli, in that you may be like us and always prefer the 101 when feasible, vs. the hot and arid 5, we just returned from Mammoth Lakes and every rest stop along the relatively quiet 395 was open, so I would presume rest stops all across the state are as well.

    And welcome home!

    1. Yes, it was very hot! The problem with 101 is that the rest stop N of Santa Barbara on 101 S is closed and has been for a long time. There is only the matching stop on 101 N and then Camp Roberts. We usually stopped for coffee twice and lunch but would have had to use grocery store or Home Depot restrooms in other places and harder for the dog in a busy parking lot.

  2. Plum BBQ sauce sounds divine. Sweet and tangy. Glad you had a safe trip without incident. Take this week to rest up, you and the pup, before your surgery.

    1. It does sound good. They are inundated with both yellow and red plums!

  3. That sounds like a lovely visit to see your family, and have a very successful foot surgery on Friday.

    1. Thanks. Just go my Covid swab test appointment for noon tomorrow. Last hurdle.

  4. I'll be interested in hearing the driving part of your trip especially.

    1. It was a 7 to 8 hour drive with 5 stops for our and the dog's comfort. Most everyone at the rest stops was wearing a mask and careful to physically distance as much as possible. I wore a disposable glove on one hand to touch the stall door, etc. Also a disposable mask and took in my own TP. Hand sanitizer at the car afterwards except for a lunch time when I washed with soap and water in the rest room. There was more traffic than we thought there would be!

  5. Welcome home. Sounds like it was a successful trip.

  6. I am glad that you had a wonderful trip. I can relate to the laundry and empty fridge.

    God bless.


Road trip part 3 - Diving conditions and challenges

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