
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

July Camp Quarantine ideas

You all had some great ideas for Camp Quarantine ! 

We are still planning a trip to Berkeley so some of mine will involve family. 

Here's my brainstorm list so far:

At home: 
- New recipe each week
- Drawing a week
- Patio drinks and hearty hor d'oeuvres dinner with Hubby
- Take out Wednesdays with dessert too

And with our granddaughter and her parents:
- Creative neighborhood map drawing (the idea is to draw a map of how you see your neighborhood not a navigational map)
- Pup birthday party - pup cake, banner, etc. 
- Backyard games
- Gardening 
- Put on magic trick show for Mom & Dad
- Sidewalk chalk art on walk or rocks
- Paint rocks and leave for people to find
- Write and illustrate a book to read to Mom & Dad

I need more but its a start. How's your list going?


  1. My list is just to get caught up on all the stuff that didn't get done during our stat's four month lock-down.

  2. Are things totally opening up there? We still are limited but more is open.

  3. Oh love the patio happy hour, may have to do that. We have touch ooen and I think our government is gonna pull back some. Sin is socializing ince a week but at a distance now and only with the people in his bubble (coworkers)..were slowly up.but not like Texas or Arizona a thank god.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Very good brainstorming list. I think you just might be busy all summer.

    God bless.

  6. Wonderful lists. You're inspiring me!

  7. Oh, yay! Glad to see the beginnings of your official list of camp activities. I need to make mine. Will get it drawn up this week. I needed one more day of June to catch up on blog posts.
    I like the chalk idea, and of course, the magic show. New recipes, too.


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