
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Camp Quarantine Anyone?



This morning I saw that Leslie has an uplifting post on her blog about Quarantine t-shirts and it included one that says Camp Quarantine. Great idea for us adults too.

Now Leslie has a pool in her backyard so lots of fun days there. I don't have one. Well we do but it is the HOA's and you have to reserve a 45 minute slot, get your temperature taken, no changing rooms or restrooms, no patio chairs - you get the idea.

I do have a tiny patio, space for crafts or other small projects, a nicely furnished kitchen and a Hubby who is willing to try lots of things.

I'm always reading so that is on my list. We plan to go on a 10 day trip to visit our younger son, DIL and granddaughter but we'll see if that is still possible in mid-July.

So let's brainstorm some ideas of how to make July a fun Camp Quarantine or Staycation!

You go first - 


  1. I haven't been on a vacation is so long, I've almost forgotten how to spell it. Can't wait to come back in a few days to see what how this brainstorming for staycation ideas turns out.

  2. I just ordered one of those tee-shirts. Thanks for the link. They are so upbeat and cute!

  3. Great idea. I'm curious too. Well, reading of course! We have a Intex pool that we float around in.( originally Costco sold these but this one is from the company). It's been way too hot to even use the BBQ. Today it's hotter in the foothills than Sacramento? go figure. I'm always looking to tidy and declutter but honestly when it's this hot, I just don't have the motivation for much.

    1. Perhaps experiment with tasty cool drinks, fun ice cubes, make popsicles out of juice, yogurt, etc. on those really hot days? Watch winter movies?

  4. Someone suggested I make a summer bucket list and I need it since I am going nowhere, lol. Working on it but summer concert while sitting in the car is there and maybe the drive in.

    1. Those sound fun. I don't think we have either so far.

  5. We picnic at the beach one night a week, staying through the sunset. We picnic at the harbor on a different night in order to enjoy watching the sailboats come in and out. Harbor kayaking once a week, including a 'floating' lunch, firepit one night a week after dinner, beach walks + lunch, often a to-go/takeout version, fancy coffees and sitting outside talking or reading on an adjacent patio, walking through a coastal town, masks on, outdoor lunch dates with gal pals, meeting somewhere scenic with our chairs and food in hand, sitting 6 ft. apart, dinner dates with friends doing same, family BBQ's here at the house, to go dinners + movie night once a week here at the house, plus we will be RV'ing a lot in places that have scenic views or walks. Oh, and we just joined a local winery that offers outdoor, spaced dining at half price for members every Tuesday, plus free wine, so that's another night filled.

    Little by little we have succeeded in filling up our week. As we do so, interestingly, I'm finding myself less interested in seeing people virtually. I'd rather see them in person, distanced 6 ft. I would imagine this will change come shorter days/colder nights this winter. So I'm enjoying being outdoors while I can!

    1. You live in a great place to be able to do all those things!

  6. You are the cutest thing! Thank you for the mention. Weren't those tee shirts fun? I am thinking of trying to hit the lottery so I can order one for everyone in my fam. The Camp Quarantine was one of my favorites.
    One of the things I have been trying to do this spring is to try making new cocktails. I have only tried a couple but they have been met with rave reviews. Maybe implementing happy hour one day a week (or more!) on the patio and trying new drink recipes? We could do a post together about recipes we tried at Camp Quarantine!!
    Since camps are renowned for craft projects, maybe try your hand at painting some rocks? So much fun! You could paint some to take with you when you visit the family and then go with your grands to hide them about. Or find an easy craft on Pinterest that you and your granddaughter could each do via Facetime. Like making a paper plate animal or insect. Or having a picnic together via Facetime?
    Hey, now you have me thinking!! I want a Camp Quarantine tee and to open camp at my house, too.
    Thanks for the love, Juhli.

  7. I got the 'There are Better Days a Head' tee.

  8. What a great idea, Misadventures of Widowhood...a camp yard sign!!

  9. Hmmm, lazy days reading in the backyard, bird watching, can you walk/run through a sprinkler instead of booking a time at the pool?

    God bless.

    1. I thought about playing in the sprinkler as a child. There may be water play with our granddaughter!

  10. This might not trip most people's triggers, but for many years now, I have been thinking about trying to find the "best of..." For example, last month I baked three different banana cake recipes, that I'd saved, then we did taste tests. My daughter and I did this a few years ago with chocolate chip cookie recipes. We enjoyed the process. Plus, many of us are cooking and baking more now than ever before, so it's nice to weed through the cookbooks and recipe boxes.

    1. Great idea! I need to pull out recipes I saved and didn't make.


March Reads - First half

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