
Monday, January 27, 2020

January Week 3 : Quiet days, party planning and prep & jury duty

We didn't have anything scheduled for these days except that Hubby was on call for jury duty but only had to go one day. I had lunch and a good chat with my older son as part of his birthday gift. Hubby and I also went out for a happy hour dinner at one of our favorite restaurants which was fun.

I have spent quite a bit of time organizing my menu and plans for our dinner party for 18 and will write a separate post about that once it happens on February 1st. I think I needed a new project. I do love a good project to plan and execute LOL.

I have been participating in a shop your wardrobe 100 outfits in 100 days challenge and completed the first 20 days. So far I've ended up with 7 S. Cal winter outfits I liked a lot for my everyday life. I've also let go of a few things that really no longer suit me or are too worn to keep wearing. That surprised me as I actually have a pretty small wardrobe and don't enjoy shopping for new clothes.

The dog and I have both gained weight so we are taking more walks together which isn't on her favorite thing to do list. One a day makes her happy, but more than that and she is not a fan.

In percentage of body weight the dog has gained way more than I have. I think it is the poor girl going from prednisonee for her Addison's disease once a week to a pill every other day. At least with humans prednisone is associated with weight gain.

It also is related to the fact that she will eat as much canned food as given and Hubby has been giving her more than we used to. I think I have convinced him it is not a great idea no matter how much she enjoys it. She will stop eating kibble when she is full. She is happy and pretty much healthy for a dog who is 10 1/2 and has had Addison's for 6 1/2 years.

You can just hear the level of excitement our lives have had during this week LOL.


  1. Your life is more exciting than mine. The 100 outfits in 100 days is intriguing.

  2. How interesting...100 outfits in 100 days sounds like it would be lots of fun and a great way of decluttering a closet.

    God bless.

  3. I might like to try that challenge except for ninety percent of my bottoms are one color so I'm not sure how it would work. While I don't need more clothes I could use some scarves and such (thrift store only). I like the brown pants and the red top the best. It's hard to cut down when they are old, especially if they are also ill.

  4. meant to add, I also need long term projects to plan. ...

  5. When I look in my wardrobe I realise I only wear about 30% but I’m reluctant to get rid of good clothes. I don’t buy much but when I do I like to buy quality clothes that last- maybe too long!
    It’s good to be able to comment on your blog again now I have sorted out Google problems.

  6. Buddy and I are equally chubby. I totally blame him because he stops to water the plants too much on our walk!

  7. I like your outfits, the clothes project sounds like a good idea. My dog Bounce expects his two walks a day so that means I have two walks a day too, and I thank him for that. Bounce is always hungry and could stand to lose a bit of weight.

  8. Love the collage of your great outfits. You wear both the spice and sage colors well. Adding a scarf or interesting necklace or fun boots can change things up so easily. I am working walks back into my days, too. I need the sunshine and the steps!!


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