
Saturday, January 11, 2020

January 1 - 11

So we started the month off with family fun by attending the Rose Parade and having brunch with our whole crew and 17 of their friends!

Snuggles after the parade and brunch
Went out to lunch with friends once and for happy hour dinner with Hubby. Planned a mid-February long weekend in Berkeley with family. Sent our granddaughter a funny card and some bug stickers as she likes bugs.

I attended my club board meeting and book club. Visited with friends at club crafts group but decided latest project was too "fiddly" for me and would result in throwing my hands up in frustration. Went to my club's monthly luncheon which was fun as usual.

Started planning a party for February 1st. Bought 4 plates at Goodwill so now I have 19 dinner plates to use for a party. I'm trying to reduce what we throw away and not using paper plates is my goal. Those I will save for emergency supplies.

I did little "fix its" like mending the hem of a washcloth and changing batteries in the scale and wireless mouse. Rearranged my clothes storage so I will more readily wear what I have in new ways to combat boredom without shopping.

Decluttered a bit and took the batteries to the recycling bin at the library and some items to Goodwill. Made sure to process food that was on verge of spoiling by making applesauce, veggie stock & banana muffins.

We finally decided on the style and length of shower grab bars to have installed, purchased them and they should be up next week. Then the bath remodel is complete.

Submitted my Medicare cost reimbursement to my health insurance (they reimburse $800/person for a tidy sum of $1600 for us). We got new tires on our car and had a rear brake job done.

Called TIAA-CREF and confirmed that I do not need to take mandatory minimum distributions until next year due to the law change. Also found out they will post what I am required to take by the end of January of that year and I can make the distribution arrangements online or by calling. Have it on my calendar for February 2021 LOL.


  1. What a fun post to read. You've been busy in the best kind of way...with family and friends doing interesting things. Love that you are giving up paper plates. With dishwashers it's really not that much extra work to go back to real china.

    1. You are so right about dishwashers. And those random plates at Goodwill are fine for a party.

  2. I have grab handles in my shower that came installed by the apartment complex. I love having them because a long time ago I hurt my knee and I didn't have them in my home then. Boy was that difficult.

    1. Our main bath has them so this was a question of what size and where to position in the redone guest bath. I agree about them being so helpful. 15 years ago I was weak and lightheaded for a long time and we didn't have them so I had to be super careful.

  3. You have been busy, and I love the savings.

    God bless.

    1. This week is rather a let down with little scheduled lol. Savings is an old habit although now the purse strings are a lot looser than they were in early days.

  4. Great accomplishments. Your granddaughter is a darling baby. Love her chubby cheeks and big smile.

    I need to get into my closet and be brutal with some of the things I've been holding on to but never wear. Instead of throwing on any old thing M-F, I need to dress for the day. I love my clothes but get lazy!! Going to follow your good lead.

    1. Thank you. I know I feel better during the day if I get dressed "nicely" even if it is very casual which it is almost all the time. Congrats on your new granddaughter!

  5. Always wanted to go to the Rose Parade but being on the East coast, haven't made it yet. But there's still time!


Five plus on Friday

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