
Monday, January 6, 2020

Help us plan a trip to San Antonio!

We are planning to go to San Antonio for a vacation this year with at least one day trip out of town. Help us figure out when is best to go, what to do and one or two great day trips! My parents were married in San Antonio in 1945 as the war ended. They took photos at the Alamo and the courthouse. We love exploring new areas and want to check out what the city has to offer and then venture out of town from a lovely hotel or B&B base. I'm thinking a 5 day trip including travel time from S. California. When should we go? What to see? Where to eat? Other ideas? Your favorites?


  1. Gosh, it's been over 20 years since I was there so I'm no help. I do remember the River Walk was a highlight.

    1. Photos of the Riverwalk look lovely and I'm sure it is a highlight.

  2. Oh, fun!! Of course, the Riverwalk. The mercadito. Visit New Braunfels and the Gruene grist mill/restaurant and Fredricksburg, both about 90 minutes from San Antonio. Have the best time!!

  3. Well I'm the spring you can see the beginners and the fall.the foliage. If probably allow seven days thinking that the drive itself is close to 20 hours I would guess? One though would be to drive through in your way. Get off I10 and cut over to Fredericksburg and then cut down through hill country and hit SA last. Get a hotel in the River walk and an awful lot will be in walking distance including the Alamo, and a .misdirection of the River walk with outdoor art

    1. Great suggestions. We are going to fly as don't like long drives so will at least have the first evening. Might stretch it to 6 days once look at flight schedules.

  4. His bluebonnets became beginners I have no idea.

  5. No help to you at all.

    God bless.

  6. All good suggestions, City of SA Chamber of Commerce has lots of suggestions for things to see and do in SA and surrounding areas. For the record Summer is not the best time to visit SA. It's hard, if not downright impossible, to enjoy anything when summer temps can and do hover around 100! Early Spring or Fall are much better choices.

  7. FYI if you decide on a visit in the Spring keep in mind that SA is a popular destination for Spring Breakers from various colleges and Texas high schools. Crowds and congestion could be a challenge.

    1. Yes - I've already ruled out the weeks around Easter for that reason. We also have to be home early in April so I am thinking March, 2nd half of May or the Fall.

  8. As Barb said above, a stay in a hotel on the Riverwalk puts you right in the center of things. Word of warning: the riverwalk can be VERY crowded on a weekend night. Don't miss "The Saga" a light show of SA history projected on the walls of the San Fernando Cathedral. A wonderful experience.

  9. I would recommend the second half of March to catch the bluebonnets...also because it is usually pleasant temperatures then. Try summer at your own risk, as the temperatures are unbearable pretty much through September. There is no fall color, as everything is mostly brown from July through February. I live here, so I can say that. :)

    The historic missions are great to visit and are a World Heritage Site, the Japanese Tea Garden, The McNay Art Museum has some great exhibits (they have a Goya exhibit starting in early March) and it's on beautiful grounds.

    1. Do you think visits during Spring break would be a problem? Mid March through mid April seem to be college spring break so I was trying to avoid that but maybe don't need to. I didn't realize you lived there! You have added quite a few things to my list - thanks.

    2. Oh, by the way my parents were married there in very early August 1945 as my Dad finished his WWII service stationed there as a flight engineer instructor. They only lived there a few months as people with long service were discharged quickly after victory in Europe on September 5th.

    3. I don't live IN San Antonio per se, but it will probably soon envelop us, as we are only about 20 miles from the northern edge at the moment. Most college spring breakers go to the coast...South Padre Island. Families with younger children may do San Antonio, but probably will be going to the zoo, Fiesta Texas, and Sea World I would think, but yes the Alamo too. February 6-23 is the Stock Show & Rodeo (crowds). April 16-26 is Fiesta which is lots of street festivals and river parade.

    4. The Fiesta dates might work for us! Thanks for mentioning it.

  10. San Antonio is a fun place but don't wait until the middle of the summer heat as there will be killer heat coming off all the concrete.


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