
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Making Good Use of a Day at Home

No plans today so I decided to make it a get stuff done day - or at least the first half of the day!

- Exercised using stretch dvd

- Walked dog further than she wanted to go but better for both of us

- Cleaned kitchen and both baths

- Got a new battery put in watch

- Dropped of some stuff at Goodwill

- Groceries from Trader Joe's

- Filled car up with gas

- Stopped at the ATM to get cash

- Wrote email to notify members of next meeting of Pet Club (will review in the morning and then send out)

So now it is 2 pm, I've already wasted a lot of time online while having coffee and breakfast this morning, and I really want a donut! May have to go get one along with coffee at the library and sit there and read.


  1. A get stuff done day is good. I walked a lot on Canada Day so I was glad for some rain the next day as it gave me a day to stay in and to soak beans and make soup. It will be my lunch for the next week. I've got a book club book to read If I Fall, If I Die. No new clothes for July.

    1. Let me know what you think about that book.

  2. Days like that feel so good! I love a productive day where I can put little checkmarks on everything on my to-do list. Hope you got that doughnut. I have been craving one for weeks.

    1. I have to admit I had a cookie instead and enjoyed it!

  3. I've been working so much lately (for's all I haven't gotten much of anything done at home. Now I have four glorious days off stretching before me, and not yet sure if I will be working next week or not. Hope to get caught up around here, at least a little bit!


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