
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holiday Mini-Bucket List

My Holiday Mini-Bucket List:

1. Cook new things! I have 3 social events that call for bringing food and have found 3 new recipes to try. So look for photos and reviews of white chip cranberry blondies, honey balsamic carrots (for 30!), and mini dark chocolate pecan pies

2. Have fun shopping for gifts! I am filling large gift bags this year for each couple (sons and DILs) plus small gifts for our granddaughter. I want her to really enjoy a few things amidst the excess she will receive from extended family. So far I have sent her a deer ornament for her first tree as 3 deer visit her yard and she is enchanted by them as are all of us. The twin yearlings (does that apply to deer?) and their Mom hang out as the twins were born in the yard next door.

3. Enjoy the time with others at social events! So far I have 2 club parties and Christmas at son and DIL's.

4. Get out and enjoy the seasonal events and decor! Not sure what this will involve, but want to do it.


  1. I like your bucket list, it all sounds good to me. I did try a new dish for Thanksgiving (pumpkin crumble) and I had to throw it out. Yikes. But I had a second desert in the fridge that I purchased just in case.

  2. Hi Juhli, love your idea of sending small gifts to your granddaughter in advance of Christmas. And you might want to consider the Ventura Boat Parade as one of your evenings out enjoying the holiday lights and decorations. It's a fun event I used to enjoy when we lived out there.

  3. I really like the deer ornament gift idea. I've got a book club appie to make. I always like to try something new.

    1. It is fun to try something new when we get to cook for a crowd isn't it. I heard last night that the deer ornament was a hit. She hung it on the tree immediately and points at it when walking by.


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