
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What happens when you are ignoring your blog

So there was more IRL activity - mostly good but some health challenges too.

At home short yoga program several times.

Women's Club book discussion group followed by lunch together.

A Pet Club planning meeting for the June "Pet Carnival".

A visit to new vet which went well. We could actually walk to this vet.

Lunch with a friend and a joint evening meeting of local AAUW group and Women's Club to hear about state legislation that focuses on women's issues and is in the pipeline.

I went to visit my son and his fiancee and took them out to lunch and had a great time chatting about lots of different things.

I bought a plane ticket to go see other son, DIL and the rapidly changing 20 month old granddaughter later in June!

Then everything went on hold. Hubby had the post inserted for a dental implant and developed a raging infection that required a trip to the ER and further dental surgery. After 5 days he is feeling well and finally pain free. We also learned that the closest ER is really good and are happy about that.

I started using a topical drug for a potential basal cell carcinoma or at least a pre-cancerous lesion in a place that was treated by surgery 20+ years ago. As is often the case for me just one dose triggered all sorts of not great side effects. Stopping the medication and hoping that I feel better in a few days and then we can see what the options are for treatment.

Back to time out from blog and a busier real life!


  1. Nice to know you have a good vet and a good ER close by, but hope you don't need either again soon. Also hope you soon get an effective treatment for your skin that you can tolerate.

    1. Thank you. I'm feeling better with having stopped the medication. I'm sure there is an alternative.

  2. Thank you for the update! Sorry about the health issues but I love your positive attitude. Will keep you in my thoughts until your next update.

    1. Thank you. My attitude is positive because I waited until we both were feeling well lol. My FIL is in the hospital again as of last night but just a UTI at 92. This is part of why we moved close - bad and good times left. Hard on him though.

  3. You have been busy with the good and the not so good. Nice to be able to walk to the vet.


March Reads - First half

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