
Thursday, November 2, 2017

October in a sentence amost each day

A lovely group of bloggers is noting their days by writing a sentence a day. Check out what they are up too through the links below. I'm joining in for October with my sentences for most days:

10/1 - We drove to Santa Paula and had a fun time looking at restored small, old planes at the Aviation Museum open house and then had lunch at the airport cafe.

10/2 - The patio redo continues with the removal of the bougainvillea stumps by Hubby.
10/3 - A lovely Fall day so I took several walks around my neighborhood, baked banana nut muffins and made beef stew.

10/6 - Interesting art history class this morning while Hubby stayed home with the handyman service and 3 more things on our home repair and improvement checklist were completed!

10/7 - Went to a 1 1/2 hour Fundamentals of Yoga class with a knowledgeable teacher and may be going back as a paying student.

10/8 - Wow, it is incredibly windy with a tree a few houses up coming down - lots of pine needles are also coming down so there will be no problem gathering enough to mulch the patio beds.

10/9 - Yeah for well behaved grand-dog and dog!

10/11 - It took what felt like forever for Hubby to make up his mind on 3 flower pots for the patio  but he is happy with the outcome.
10/12 - Well what do you know, the new recirculating water pump is not creating "instant" hot water because it was installed backwards!

10/13 - Lunch on the pier and a walk on the boardwalk in Ventura followed by getting 2 more plants for our new patio pots.

10/14 - Plants transplanted to pots and grand-dog getting some cuddles from Hubby on the definitely more spacious feeling patio.
10/15 - Two more pictures hung so we are nearing the end of that task with just a couple to go!
My painting in the small den
My Mom's painting by my desk
10/16 - Handyman rescheduled, bought a new watch, grocery run, washed my dog, read, and went out to dinner which made for a full if rather boring day.

10/18 - I agreed to be Treasurer for the community Pet Club (which has monthly programs and raises money for rescue and wild animal rehab, etc.) and we took dinner to my FIL's assisted living facility again as he really enjoys this along with a visit.

10/19 - Six months ago we arrived at our current home with a rental truck full of belongings and an air bed to sleep on and now we have made it a home.

10/20 - A nice celebration for everyone who volunteered for the Pet Club auction and rather amazing that over $4,000 was raised to split between the local animal shelter and a college wild animal program.

10/22 - Attended a small family gathering for the 1 year memorial and gravestone unveiling for my husband's uncle followed by lunch and catching up.

10/23 - Almost record breaking heat of 106F with winds which felt rather like a convection oven must.

10/24 - Excellent customer service from Spectrum regarding our internet outages which resulted in the replacement of corroded connectors and upgrades of cable splitters.

10/25 - What a difference a good night's sleep makes!

10/26 - Going to a talk about strokes and spine surgery sounds dreadful but the spine surgery segment was really fascinating.

10/27 - Final session of post-Impressionists art history class and a bit of golf on a beautiful S. Cal fall day.

10/29 - Took my son & DIL's dog home to Pasadena and they took us out for a fun lunch and then showed us pictures of their Amsterdam, Crete & Santorini 20th anniversary trip.

10/30 - Pumpkin raisin muffins made so Hubby is happy!

10/31 - With a great yoga studio just around the corner how could I not buy a monthly pass and start classes by attending a 1 1/2 hour Yoga 1 session.


  1. Juhli, so many wonderful moments in October, I'm so happy/excited to see the settling in process continue! The Pet Club sounds right up your alley, and I predict you are going to looove belonging to a yoga studio due to the personal attention it come along with. Hmm, I see a yoga retreat in your future me thinks!

    I didn't realize one of your son's lives in Pasadena, one of my favorite cities ever. So much fun to visit and wander through Old Town during the holidays in particular. Now that we've moved south, we'll likely get there very rarely, and I'm going to miss it!

    1. Yes, my older son lives in Pasadena and they just announced they are going to get married after 20 years together! Happiness all around.

  2. Loved your entry for Oct. 19th, Juhli. Sounds like you had a very good October. Yeah for having a great yoga studio at a convenient location. Your November is already off to a happy start.

  3. Got tickled at your attending a discussion about spinal surgery! Your muffins look scrumptious. While sampling pumpkin food and drink is on my autumn bucket list, I have yet to make anything pumpkin-y myself. Might have to get with it this week.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...