
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Can't wait to leave on our trip!

I'm finding it pretty weird that I didn't know how draining it is to have your house for sale. This is our third house but the first one we sold ourselves after 2 or 3 people looked at it. The 2nd house sold to the first person who looked at it and before it was even in the multiple listings.

Since this house went on the market on Friday, Feb 10th we have had at least 12 scheduled showings, an open house that drew 40+ people, and a day when 5 realtors popped by. Except for the realtor visits we have to take the dog and leave.

It is all good but exhausting. Today we have someone showing up at lunchtime and then a person coming back for the third time for 2 hours with their realtor, girlfriend and architect. No offers yet although in our market even once you have one you keep showing the house in case the offer is withdrawn.

Which leads me to my relief that we are leaving on vacation at the end of this week! Babysitting for 2 weeks after that sounds restful at this point LOL. My husband will be having to make all the sale related things work doing those 2 weeks while working full time and I don't envy him that but I'll be with our baby granddaughter.

Transitions are busy times.

Does the amount of energy required to make a life change ever keep you stuck in one that isn't working for you?


  1. 'Does the amount of energy required to make a life change ever keep you stuck in one that isn't working for you?'

    Yep! Moving 15 miles closer to the ocean would be at the top of that list. The problem is that we have a really full, robust life where we are, and the thought of all the work that would be entailed in relocating within walking distance of the ocean puts me back at square one each time. I would tag this as the only unsettled thing in my life.

    Enjoy your visit with your granddaughter! We are absolutely crazy mad about ours, and can't visit her often enough. :-)

    1. A full robust life 15 miles from the ocean is my current goal! 3 offers for our house came in last night and are very good so here we go.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

Oops, perhaps I requested too many books at once from the library, 1.  I visited the library to pick up the books requested including 2 requ...