
Sunday, September 18, 2016

28 weeks and counting - to putting our house up for sale

Or 6 1/2 months minus planned 2 weeks in California with new granddaughter and a weekend in Asheville.

We seem to be caught in the regular maintenance mode rather than prepping mode. A carbon monoxide detector reached its planned obsolescence, the socket of a ceiling light fixture failed as did a closet light, yard work beckons, etc. The new bathroom vanity did arrive and we like it - whew. Still waiting on contractor bids. We also attended a memorial service Saturday afternoon.

End result - little progress this past week although I did remove some small items from the study. I need to get on the stick and get busy!

So here is what I could get done this coming week in addition to the routine and regular chores.

- Wash walls, risers and railing in stairwell.
- Work on cleaning basement floor
- Go through bedding and cedar chest; make decisions
- Try to thrift new coverlets/bedspreads for both beds
- Schedule appointment with arborist to get bid for final pruning work

And then there is the rest of life including lots of yard work, another blood test for the dog as we try to get her Addison's under control again, haircut for me, book club, Pilates, hemming new slacks and so on.

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