
Saturday, August 6, 2016

34 weeks and counting - to putting house up for sale that is

Another week in our countdown has gone. I got a few things done, but much was left undone. Here's the list I was working from.

- Finish sorting photos
- Go through Christmas stuff
- Go through hobby stuff that belongs to me
- Make appointment with painting estimator
  Make appointment with bath remodel designer - she was out of town so another thing for next week
- Discuss family room staging
- Buy paint for family room feature wall - to next week
- Find a taker for the large roll top desk. I heard back from one charity that won't take it.Need to work on this more.

I also washed down the kitchen walls and pantry.

More large and small items have left the house! Our lovely neighbor finally had time to get the 2 book shelves she wanted for her home. The bedroom we use as an office looks so much larger now as was the point.

The large propane BBQ and 2 tanks are going to another neighbor.

Duplicate and not great photos went in the trash as did old photo albums. These other items were delivered to charities:

- large suitcase
- cutting board
- 13 cups and saucers
- more clothing that doesn't fit or is outdated
- a picture frame
- a sound machine (waves, etc.)

We made a decision to use our trip to CA for my FIL's 90th birthday in late February to meet with a realtor and see some current listings in our target area. We will interview, select and gather info from the realtor in advance. Timing of an actual purchase is still being figured out. Then we will go on to meet our granddaughter in person and I'll stay to help take care of her a few weeks.

Week 34 has quite a few items from week 35 rolling over.

- Meet with the painting estimator for exterior and interior work needing to be done by others.
- Buy paint and paint the feature wall in the family room and touch up kitchen walls.
- Call other charity re: roll top desk donation. If they won't take it then list it on Freecycle. If that doesn't work then it is on to putting it curbside perhaps.
- Follow up with bathroom designer to get an appointment


  1. My daughter loved having a sound machine in her room to help her sleep (kind of like being in the womb with the sounds of waves and heartbeats). If you new granddaughter has trouble sleeping she may benefit from your sound machine.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. My son thought of that and then decided it wasn't worth shipping it to them as a just in case addition to their small house. His choice so it is being donated here.

  2. I admire your planning ... wish we had done as much before we moved, might not have been as hectic. That said, I suppose you can wait until December to downsize your Christmas stuff.

    1. True about Christmas but since I didn't put any of it out last year I think I'll go through it in time to donate to my favorite charity anything I don't want to keep. The cost of moving stuff we don't use is the main motivator here LOL.


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