
Saturday, June 11, 2016

Maybe I should wash the storm windows more often!

In my room by room prepping of this house for sale I am almost done with the guest room. Today I removed the storm windows and washed them. Last done? Oh, 10+ years ago LOL.

The room is lighter, the windows sure look better and it was PITB job.

One last hole to fill in the baseboard where we had the cable service coming through year's ago and I'll post the staging makeover photos.

I also washed the doors in that room and the hall utility closet. So the hallway is done too. Joy.

The sun porch is also almost done too once I figure out what product to use to make the tile floor look shiny again and my husband finishes painting the newly installed replacement windows.

This coming week it is onward to our upstairs bathroom that has to be repainted and it is currently a dark color (think many coats of primer and paint to make it a neutral light color). Le sigh.


  1. We actually paid someone to come in and clean all our windows before we put our house on the market. I thought it seemed like a waste of money, at the time, but it really made the place a lot brighter and a big difference.

    1. Thanks for the reinforcement of my efforts! Lighter, bigger, neutral - the goal of staging as I understand it.


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