
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Happiness - week of August 23rd

Happiness and kindness can surprise you when you least expect it. On Tuesday I was shopping at Trader Joe's and decided to treat myself to a bouquet of flowers. The man checking me out was not happy with the condition of the flowers and said they would be free. Happy me - yes. He continued to check me out while glancing at the flowers. Then he said to go get another bunch of any flowers and they would be free too. Really? I am very happy with this free, lovely and lush bouquet on our dining room table.

It seems to be my week for free things. To celebrate my 66th a few days in advance we went out for dinner and then to shoot some pool. They forgot to start the clock on the pool table so gave it to us for free. I told my husband that he still owes me a birthday present as a result LOL. Very happy to have someone to celebrate with though he was the pool shark of the night!

In going through papers in our home I took out some of my drawings with the idea of finding thrift store frames and hanging them in a collection of items in our office. My husband saw them and gave me a lovely compliment on my talent. Happiness with just a few words. Of course then we disagreed on the idea of how to frame and mat them LOL.

Happiness is all relative and for me this week another thing it meant was taking lunch to a friend who just had her second hip replacement and was between family helpers and needing some company. We really enjoyed ourselves too.

And lastly, I decided to quit fighting my hair and go back to a pixie haircut which also made me happy - and its cooler!


  1. What a wonderful post, Juhli - made me smile:-). Would so love to see your sketches!

    1. Glad you enjoyed my thoughts. I'll have to take some photos of the drawings all of which were done in classes.

  2. I would like to see your artwork, too!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...