
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Playing with clothes Part 3 - Variations on red week

It seemed to be variations on red week for me. I am finding it harder to put together new outfits that I like but these fit that criteria. The thrift shop has been my friend as I experiment with new items.
Magenta shirt and black - my neighbor asked if I had been to a meeting LOL.

Resurrecting an old print top by adding a pop of color t-shirt underneath for a layered look.
Newly thrifted top and necklace with a favorite bright red sweater.
Last, but not least, modeling my new winter hat.



  1. My favorite this time is the first one...tres chic! And your hat is adorable. :)

    1. Thanks! I liked the first one too but it was pretty upscale for my very casual life. The hat was a happy find as I have disliked both the color and lack of warmth of my previous winter hat.

  2. That touch of red is perfect for you! One to remember in future whenever you're not sure of an outfit, as in the second example. I wish they had thrift shops in Spain!

    1. No thrift shops? How unusual. Are there any sort of resale shops or do people wear out their things? I do like red so It is staying in my wardrobe although I'm finding the shade that is best has changed in the last few years as the white hairs now outnumber the brown ones!

  3. I am finding it harder to put together new outfits that I like but these fit that ...


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