
Monday, July 7, 2014

A recipe to NOT make and painting progress

A couple of snapshots of my day -

Sorting my Mom's old recipe box and found this one. Don't remember having to eat it and don't plan to cook it! Spam and cheese sandwich anyone?

Scheduled time to paint today and made progress so that I finally like where this painting is going. I paint in our sun porch so that is why so many windows, a fence and part of our front yard behind the painting. I'm going to studio the next three Tuesday evenings so I will have help to see if I can finish it without messing it up. The bridge and building on the right still need lots of work. That is tomorrow evening's goal.


  1. Oh, the recipe is funny - I have a box of recipes like that from older generations! At work this week, someone was displaying photos of Jell-O molds and we were all trying to recall what people put in them.

    It sounds very idyllic to paint out on the sun porch.

    1. Ah yes, Jell-O molds. Marshmallows are the weirdest ingredient I remember going in to Jell-O. My parents married in 1945 so I assume this was a recipe from wartime rationing - an attempt at a "ham and cheese" sandwich.

  2. Save that card! Spam maybe coming back.
    Check out David Chang's take on it:

    1. Oh, let's hope it isn't making a comeback! I am saving the card though.

  3. I recently read on another blog about a company (maybe one on Esty?) that makes custom tea towels with actual images of old hand-written recipes. It might be a great way to save a few of your mother's recipes.

    1. That would be cool although I think I'd pick a better recipe!


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...