
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Focus on improving your lifestyle

One of the things I have noticed recently is that for me an improved lifestyle includes fewer but highly enjoyed people, activities and things.

I began thinking about this while enjoying serving lunch on the patio to some friends on the new to us set of white dishes I brought home from my Mom's before we all went to see a play.

I thought about it when I broke my favorite coffee mug and realized I really don't enjoy using any of the others that we have. I could give those away and only have one that is just right and drinking my coffee in the morning would definitely be more enjoyable. Perhaps I out to buy 2 though the previous one lasted many years.

I thought about it when I was contemplating how to deal with the family photos from my Mom's and in storage boxes and on our computer. I have decided to make photo albums of a carefully curated selection of photos using Snapfish. I will make note cards or calendars using photos of my art. Then I will get rid of all the print and digitized photos except for the best ones to save as a backup. This is a huge project but I will be happy to have photo books to look at instead of unused photos stored away.

I thought about it when I cancelled my gym membership and pulled out old exercise equipment and dvds. I started walking the dog more and am going to create a home based exercise routine and take more walks with friends.

Instead of focusing on decluttering, frugality or happiness, I am going to focus on improving my lifestyle in this way.  


  1. I am so with you on this. I can only drink coffe from a specific type of mug. Bought 8 to have a supply. And I scrapbook photos. Wish I had more time-- maybe once I retire full time. Love my books and great ideas to save the pics from you mom.

    1. It is so odd about the coffee mug - maybe it is because I am using it before I have my coffee LOL. I'm going to keep my eye out for one similar to the old one.

  2. Such a great post, Juhli... you're right, fewer & more cherished possessions are the way to truly be happy! You value your possessions more!

    1. That is definitely what I was trying to say!

  3. I agree with you on the coffee cup and the gym membership, and maybe some other activities as well ... but not when it comes to friends or family pictures. There's always room for more of those, imho.

    1. I certainly agree that there is always room for more friends - just arguing for spending more time with good friends and less with those who you don't enjoy.


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