
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oh, I do love the internet for information gathering

However I must read more carefully! We headed off this afternoon to see a Picasso, Braque and Leger exhibit at a small university art museum near by and, we thought, to hear a jazzy Christmas concert. Well the concert is tomorrow afternoon so we will have to head back. However we enjoyed the exhibit which was quite unique.

I had researched costs in advance - $5 each for admission to the museum & $10 each for the concert. I noticed that for $30 we could get a one year dual senior membership so we did. Once we attend the concert we will have broken even and any other visits will be free.

Otherwise just hanging out and preparing to eat our leftovers from Thanksgiving as even the restaurant portions were too large. What is Thanksgiving without leftovers?


  1. Those senior discounts are great, aren't they? I just heard of another one (reflecting my own cultural interests) : You flash your AARP card at Dunkin' Donuts, buy a large coffee ... and you get a donut for free!


The toddler eats rocks and other moments - Thriving Week 18

So what is that about the baby (oops -she is a toddler now) eating rocks? We decided Sunday morning to invite the family over for Sunday din...