
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I've lost this weight before - Healthy snacking & menu plan for week

I mentioned in an earlier post that I have lost 9 pounds over the past few months. I'm not sure what exactly I have done to make that happen but do know that I am eating a piece of toast with peanut butter when I have my coffee first thing in the morning and then breakfast at a later time. That keeps me full until lunch. I've had fewer sweet snacks too. So now I weigh the least I have in 7 or 8 years. That time I was 2 pounds lighter after losing 10 pounds due to a hospitalization and serious illness. Much prefer losing weight this way. The thing is, like most people who lose weight, I put it all back on.

I do get really hungry in the afternoon though so I am thinking that I need to actually shop for healthy snacks as well as menu planning lunch. This week I have been tracking what I eat in terms of servings aka the food pyramid. I seem to consistently miss on vegetables and dairy as well as fruit. I like all of those things. Some if the problems is due to having braces which make it impossible to eat carrot sticks or apples which were, and will be again, two standbys for lunch and snack.

I have come up with the following for healthy snacks for now.
-1 c yogurt with fruit
- half a cucumber, sliced, pus 3T hummus
- 5 whole wheat crackers and a really small chunk of cheese
- hard boiled egg with salt and spice
- 1/2 avocado with salt and pepper
- 1/2 c grapes plus 1 stick of light mozzarella string cheese
- lettuce wrap (2 slices ham with 1t mustard rolled in a lettuce leaf)
- strawberry or banana & peanut butter toast
- cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and/or red peppers with low fat dressing for dipping

What else do you suggest?

So here is the menu plan for the coming week (I shop on Wednesday mornings to get the 5% senior discount).

Oatmeal with raisins & nuts
Shredded wheat with bananas
Egg on toast
Yogurt with fruit
and peanut butter on pumpkin muffin or raisin bread each day

Lentil, carrot & spinach soup with cheese toast x2
Veggie burger
Chicken soup x2
Tuna sandwich
and Lunch out with friends

Roast chicken, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruit
Sweet and sour chicken, pineapple, red pepper with rice, broccoli
Chicken tostadas, black beans, citrus fruit
Breaded haddock, coleslaw, pineapple
Leftover pork roast with leftover roasted veggies
Spaghetti with portabella mushrooms, peppers,sun dried tomatoes and roasted cauliflower & grapes
Omelet with tomatoes, toast and fruit

Since I am baking acorn squash for dinner and it is colder today, I also decided to have a baking day. I made pumpkin, applesauce, raisin muffins and drop biscuits.


  1. Yum!! Everything sounds fabulous!! I think anything "real" and balanced with carbs/protein, like you've done is the way to go! :)

    1. Thanks Carla. I wasn't overweight but at a pound a year I would be!

  2. I have been making an effort to move more! It makes such a difference. I fell off the wagon today though. I don't feel particularly good tonight. You would think I would learn. It gets better all the time though. My pitfall tonight was a mixed drink!

    Bad Barbara!!!


  3. I had to laugh at the senior discount, Juhli! I just don't think of you as a senior... Our discount day is Wednesday, as well, and they usually give it to me. I expect it's all the grey hair! (At least that's what I tell myself.)

    I had made some progress on weight myself over the summer, but once the cooler weather came, along with a couple of weekend getaways and Thanksgiving, I'm right back to my trousers not being as comfy as I like. Oh, well.


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