
Friday, December 21, 2012

Its Friday, the Winter Solstice - AND the End of the World?

I could say that I left a pile of chores to do today because, well, if the world did end, why spend the last week doing chores? Or I could tell the truth and say most of them have been on my to do list for at least weeks.

It has been an "interesting" week. Two sessions of physical therapy and a trip to the orthodontist left several body parts in pain. The dog had her spa day at Glamour Paws and it was so beautiful outside that I walked up to pick her up which led to more shoulder pain for some reason. The contractor came and started fixing our shed and the new door is lovely and actually shuts easily. It just might get done before Christmas if the weather cooperates.  The grocery shopping, meal prep, laundry and bill paying got done. The neighborhood holiday party and book club gift exchange were fun and full of lovely people. Arrangements are coming along well for the next Friends of the Library book sale on February 2nd with only orchestrating on my part. I am thankful for a great team of volunteers.

That of course leaves today. No plans. Cold and windy outside. So I WILL FINISH MY TO DO LIST!!!!!

UPDATE: I managed to cross a lot of things of the list. The rest will have to wait for another day.
- Shred paperwork
- Give myself a manicure
- Do PT exercises 2 times
- Order a new MedicAlert bracelet to update med allergies
- Call the county Tax Commissioner's office to find out if we qualify for the over 62 property tax relief
- Find out how to convert paper bonds to electronic ones and make decision
- Send my SIL a check for gifts for my Mom's helpers and to cover our share of house rental for my nephew's summer wedding
- Go through our fire safe and shred whatever is no longer needed
- Back up computer
- Send follow up emails to the people I am coaching
- Review minutes from Friends of the Library annual meeting
- Shorten the sleeves on a jacket
- Sew button on hubby's shirt
- Take up jeans (yeah I lost weight)
- Set up vacation mail and paper hold for early January trip
- Take photos of Winter Project 333 wardrobe
- Follow up with chair restorer to get photos he took so I can research it's provenance

and there is always the opportunity to clean the house LOL.

I think I need more coffee!

* I keep thinking of things to add to this list! It may turn out to be a 3 day weekend list not a Friday list. *


  1. I think it was suppose to end a few minutes ago...hhhhmmmm....still here....with much to do like you! Have a wonderful weekend! I am off to proctor to last finals for high school and they probably wish the world had ended!! :)

    1. Yes, we are still here thank goodness! I read that the Mayan people are generally not in agreement with the prediction anyway.

  2. Wow, an ambitious list. My activity for the day: sit around and wait for my daughter to show up, then maybe head to the mall.

    1. LOL, that sounds like too many of my days recently! I just got tired of looking at the list.

  3. I desperately need to make my list... but first gotta get out of my pjs... I better be productive this afternoon cause all I did was waste my morning! :( Good luck on your list!!

    1. You sure deserve a relaxing "wasted" morning! I've just had a nap so I'm living the day the opposite way.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...