
Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012 - you were great and I'm looking forward to 2013

2012 was a year full of blessings for us. We were truly fortunate and we know it and are very grateful.

Our family is well and happy as are we. We spent good time with our wide-spread family. We were in LA 3 times and saw lots of family each time - over New Year's with the bonus of seeing the Rose Parade with DS1 and his sweetie, in July right after DS2 and his sweetie moved back there, and over Thanksgiving. We  visited DS2 in Little Rock before his move to LA and helped him pack up his apartment. We also managed to go see my Mom and other family in NH twice.

Rose Parade 2012
Huntington Beach Pier July 2012
At home in Atlanta what stands out was exploring new places and restaurants, participated in our first fundraising walk, seeing a couple of great plays at a small theater, fascinating art exhibits, the love and companionship provided by the lovely women in my long standing book club and the members of my Friends of the Library group (who raised over $22,500 this year!).

I learned some new things - colored pencil drawing and how to use kitchen knives like a chef (also learned that it is easier to use them if you get them sharpened occasionally LOL).

The drawing I did in class working from a picture
I also lost some things - 6 pounds personally and 225 things that were decluttered from the house. I hope to keep losing a few pounds and decluttering but I won't be counting the items decluttered going forward.

I started participating in Project 333 and am enjoying my clothing more and not shopping or browsing out of a vague dissatisfaction.

While we still don't love our house, we managed to complete 9 of the 12 House To Dos for the year. The most fun was getting this antique chair (early 1990s) restored. When I was a child we hung our stockings from the ears of the "North Wind face" and my children did the same. It only took me 15 years to get around to finding someone to glue it back together. I found out a friend is a talented woodworker and furniture restorer and asked him if he would do it. He did and also lovingly restored the original finish and then wouldn't charge me much. I'm really loving the result.

We were able to share our good fortune through financial gifts to family members in need and for our share of DS2's upcoming wedding. Although my consulting business has diminished considerably over the past few years, I was able to earn enough to fund my ROTH IRA and pay for the orthodontist, new glasses, the physical therapist, and Pilates trainer sessions.

My theme for 2013 though is MORE and although I just learned that I probably won't make as much in 2013 due to the impact of the world economy on the client company, it is still going to be ok to want more while making less income. That is because the MORE I truly want is
- more family time
- more time with friends
- more art and theater
- more cooking and sharing of healthy and tasty meals
- more exercise 
- more laughter
- more contentment and joy 

We already have plans for some of this. A trip to LA for an uncle's 90th birthday, DS2's wedding in May and a nephews in July. Meeting another nephew's wife and daughter (my great niece!) at that second wedding. Going to art exhibits and plays. Inviting friends over for meals.

In addition, I am going to work on my 2013 goals while wringing out as much savings as possible from our income to boost our retirement savings, and Fix Things Up! 

I hope you are looking forward to 2013 as well and will join me here as we journey through the new year.


  1. Wonderful post! Happy New Year!!! :)

  2. I love your MORE list. You are going to have a wonderful, fun filled 2013. I hope you will do more with your artistic talent!

    1. Thanks so much. I'm hoping to produce some more art and take some more classes as soon as my shoulder get better. Happy new year to you!

  3. I love the new theme of "more", especially 'more laughter' 'more contentment and joy'. LOVE it! Happy New Year!

  4. Thanks Sharon! I'm really trying to be conscious of how I respond to what others say and make my response bring a smile or be helpful.


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