
Monday, December 10, 2012

2013 Goals focus on how I feel

My 2012 Goals were very task oriented and they worked well. I accomplished most of them but then I am good at getting things done if I have a list. I made a long list of similar goals for next year. Productive? Yes. Inspiring? No.

Instead, for 2013 I've decided to focus on enhancing how I feel on a daily basis in three key areas. I will really have to stretch to make some of these things happen. A bit selfish or self-centered perhaps but the end result would be really wonderful.

I really want to feel more of the following!

Feel energetic and strong
Exercise and stretch daily – join gym if needed
Take and apply health and nutrition courses through Coursera 

Feel happy with what I wear
Create a happy, comfortable, flexible, small wardrobe
Have fun and be creative doing it 

Feel joyful

Change behavior to match chosen role model
Fill my calendar full of things I love to do


  1. Excellent goals and highly obtainable!! Hopefully you will share your journey is all of these areas with us. Have a wonderful week!

  2. All excellent goals. Self-centered? No way. Inspiring? Yes indeed! I too am going to start filling my calendar full of things I love to do -- and maybe work on some of those other things as well.

  3. I agree with Tom! In fact I was planning on writing the same thing!! I don't believe these goals are selfish, in fact, when you are a happier, healthier person everyone around you benefits!!

  4. Thanks all. I have to push myself to really identify happy end result goals rather than accomplishment lists. Now to turn these into small, doable steps!

  5. Very inspiring...I have been struggling with the first one in particular. I should be going to an exercise class tonight but I am bushed after working, house cleaning and taking the dog to the groomer (not to mention he needs his walk yet today--which may be my only exercise too). I think I need to commit more to exercise but keep it at home for now with DVDs and walking.

    1. Sounds like you have had a lot of exercise already albeit not formal. Dog walking is good exercise.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...