
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yesterday was one of those days - for my loved ones

I finally talked to my 90 year old Mom this morning after getting an email yesterday saying she was just about to leave the ER and be taken home by my brother and SIL.  Everyone missed her symptoms and she ended up with a serious UTI that caused her to fall and them get taken to ER.  She sounds pretty good considering and is sore but with no broken bones.  Thank goodness for antibiotics which will knock out the infection soon.

And then there is my son and his fiancee who's car broke down Sunday as they were driving home from a trip with their dog, had to get it towed and spend the night in a hotel.  Since my other son went to pick them up yesterday I gather the car couldn't be fixed at least quickly.  Will get filled in on this later I'm sure.

And then there was me telling some of my hubby's in-laws to come on over to another relatives when we are in their area next weekend.  Turns out hubby wanted to leave the invitations to others although he really wants to see these people too.  Oh well is all I can say.  I hope nobody is too irritated.

So everyone is OK although still sick and sore, or in need of a car, or perhaps not happy I expanded the party.  Could be a lot worse!


  1. Awww... Hope things look up for everyone! Today was "one of those days" for me. Tomorrow is a new day!

    1. Thanks Carla and you did have one of those days. Talked to my sons and Mom and they are upbeat and dealing with things which is good.

  2. Some days you just gotta smile and shake your head

    1. How true. I always wish I lived closer to any family so I could help but that is not to be for many years.


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