
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's been one of those days so far

I'm not sure how to think about how this morning went.  First I went to a consultation with a physical therapist due to a range of motion problem with my left hip.  The tentative diagnosis is a hip joint problem and now I have to get a Dr. appointment to get referrals for x-rays and physical therapy. 

Then I went to get my new glasses adjusted as I was having problems with the fit of the frames.  Well, they broke the frames in the process of trying to adjust them correctly.  So, I had to pick out new frames and place an order for replacement glasses.  In the process I found out the new glasses had been ordered without the needed anti-glare coating (I have "baby" cataracts in both eyes which make night driving harder without it) and there are better and more costly lightweight lenses available - an additional $250 later I can now get another pair of new glasses with frames I don't like as much but that will fit better in only 10 to 14 days.

Since I don't want to write the day off completely I have just finished lunch and the dog will soon be the happy recipient of a walk.  The last three days have been too rainy to take her and today is sunny and warm.

The afternoon will be better!!!!!!

Update at end of day: Amazingly I was able to get in to see my Dr. and have the x-rays of my hip this afternoon.  Don't know the results yet by my blood pressure reading was 100 over 68 so that is a happy note!


  1. Great way to end the day!! Even with meds I can't get my BP that low.

    1. Thanks but I do take a very low dose med for something else that helps. I just figured I was so aggravated that it would have spiked LOL.

  2. I hope it isn't anything serious with your hip. Will be thinking of you.

    Isn't it insane how expensive a pair of glasses can be?

  3. Thanks. It is probably arthritis but the physical therapy should fix the current range of motion problem.


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