
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Decluttering Challenge - Clean out sheds & update

I am through with decluttering the shelves although little clutter was removed from the house this week.  I reorganized the pantry and office supply shelves, but only reduced visual clutter by moving things to other places.  On to the sheds!

This could be a two week job depending upon my weekend energy levels as I have business travel 3 days this coming week.  Two weeks ago hubby finished repairing the damage to the stand alone shed roof that was caused by our neighbor's falling tree.  It looks as good as new and he was able to do the work himself.  The inside is pretty filthy (I wish it was as nice as the picture above LOL) as the walls and roof don't seal out the dirt and, well, it is an outdoor shed.  I already disposed of all never to be used hazardous waste stored there.  I need to take everything out, decide what else can go or go elsewhere, clean thoroughly, and then put it all back well organized.  It's not time to put the hoses away yet, but there needs to be space for them.  The biggest challenge is that the ladders are always in the way - perhaps we can figure out somewhere else to store them.  I could go all out and repaint the shelves, pressure wash, install hangers for tools, and we do need to replace the rotten door - we'll see what happens.

The storage space at the back of the carport also needs a thorough cleaning and should probably be done first.  We store things there that we rarely use or only use seasonally such as patio furniture (which doesn't need to go away yet except for the umbrella), extra outdoor plastic chairs, plant stands, extra shingles, downspouts, etc.  Again, the walls and roof don't keep out the dirt so it gets filthy and has no light or windows.  The unused plant stands were already decluttered.  Again I need to take everything out except for the shingles which are on a pallet, clean, and put it all back so it is easy to access and there is room for the patio furniture and possible the ladders.  Then sweep the carport and try one more time to convince hubby that we can let the ping pong table go! 

What do I expect to declutter out of this project?  A few yard tools for sure.


  1. Good luck with your shed projects. I just did my garage today - big job but great to have made some progress.

  2. Thanks - made a small dent yesterday and remembered we had tool hangers stored in the basement. Put them up and back later today to get more things off the floor.


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