
Monday, October 2, 2023

October Goals - maybe they will be achieved!

Could I please just have a lovely vacation this month? No? Darn.

Well if that isn’t happening then maybe these things will.

  • Finish that darn move to do list.
  • Get ready for my first session with new Pilates trainer by doing consistent mix of exercise video, upper body strength exercises and walking miles without the slow sniffing and pee on everything pup. He will still get all his walks.
  • Alter 2 items of clothing, deep clean dishwasher, vacuum frig coils, clear off  the “ Do I want to keep it?” table in garage.
  • Keep shopping (including food) to a low $ amount which requires planning meals detailed shopping lists, and determining emergency/back up food, pet supplies, toiletries and household consumables quantities.
  • Finish yard purchases and get rid of yard Reno trash and excess materials.
Then there are the things scheduled so far - watching older granddaughter at swim class and then lunch with family, full day of babysitting, my Covid shot, visit by nephew who lives in Taiwan, Pilates intro session, and AAUW monthly meeting. 


  1. I need to get my Covid shot too. Hope yours doesn't give you a reaction bad enough to keep you from marking some things off your October list! Have a great week.

  2. Your list sounds pretty good. I bet you manage to get everything completed.

    God bless.


Dinners & the week ahead

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