
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Almost August and some goals for the month


Here are mine. Have a laugh at the goals sheet laying on a towel please. I had the ottoman I have been resting my foot on covered with a towel so the cast & boot wouldn't damage the fabric!

The mention of heat is quite relative as August here is typically in the low to mid-80's with occasional hotter days. Our really hot days seem to arrive in September at least based on the 4 years we have lived here. 

Now a bit further inland is a whole different story and I hope we will be trekking over to Pasadena to visit our son and DIL soon but not until I can enjoy walking around Pasadena.

EXERCISE: On August 9th I should get the go ahead to lose the walking boot and start wearing a very adjustable pair of sandals. 

I will be continuing with improving my walking through PT but also want increase time on chair and bed stretches. Upper body chair exercises need to be added this month too. Eventually I'll be able to get back to mat exercises and stretching but not until I can get up and down correctly without it hurting!

DATE NIGHT: I still don't anticipate going anywhere for fun except to the Ventura Pier for lunch or the brewery again for pizza and beer served outside. So Date Night activities will probably be at home but doing something deliberately together for fun is the plan. 

HEALTHY ME: I think this is pretty self explanatory. Doing it is the challenge.

CLUBBING: Sounds more like what the 20 somethings are looking forward too! My version is part of engaging with others and strengthening friendships.

My club activities and friends have been a lifeline through the pandemic and I am hopeful that the virus will not shut down in person meetings since we are all vaccinated. However, we will continue one way or another and get our property management, charity and social activities done.

CREATIVITY: I wrote about haiku but I may instead work through some of this book 

or make bookmarks to give away or do some doodling art like these that I found on Pinterest.


I recently sat on the couch with my feet up and did this sketch using fine tip markers and following a drawing from Pinterest and it was fun to do. 

The point is to spend more time on creative activity rather than just thinking about it.


  1. You have a great list of goals. I love the date night at home idea. Popcorn and a movie sounds really doable here as Covid numbers are slowly rising here once again.

    God bless.

  2. It's important for each of us to find ways to strengthen ourselves (mind, body and spirit), esp during these uncertain times. I'm hopeful that the Covid variants will not upend life as Covid-19 did, but if they do, we need to be as strong as possible. Hubby and I are stepping up the distance we walk every day. While we walk, we talk and try to encourage one another. I've started playing music again, esp out in the kitchen when I'm working. I don't know why I ever stopped, because music lifts my heart. Once in awhile, there's even some dancing (not a pretty sight, but fun). So glad that we can make simple changes, every day, that will eventually yield big results.

    Juhli, I'm glad to see you pursuing your art. That little bird is adorable!

    1. Dancing to music sound very uplifting! I’ll put it on my list for when my foot makes it possible again.

  3. I am glad you are on your way to a full recovery. Taking up some creative work sounds really good. May be I should give it a go too.

  4. Your planning ahead always inspires me.

  5. I definitely need to do more crafting. I have taken projects out and put them up again because I never started them. I like list making too. If you find a notebook or binder around my house, it will probably have some kind of list in it.

  6. Your handcrafted bookmarks would be a lovely addition to any local Little Free Library. We created a little library in front of our house and I enjoy placing cute little bookmarks in there as an added incentive for taking a book. (I also put puzzles in our library and those are a HUGE hit!)

    Incidentally, it's probably a good thing that you're not able to walk around Pasadena right now. Our daytime temperatures for the last couple of weeks have been in the mid to high 90's - not exactly pleasant outdoor weather!


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