
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Notes to myself for an easier week after surgery

 Had a bit of a tough morning after taking a medication on an empty stomach. I had to wake Hubby up way to early to help me and I am trying not to do that to him this go around.

 Fine now but we also forget to lay out my breakfast last night so it was a hassle to make coffee and get breakfast today. The knee scooter basket is making it all much easier in general though as I have fewer trips to take around the house and that is keeping my knee from getting sore so far.

So here are my notes to myself to make this phase of recovery easier.

1. Lay out breakfast night before so can make it with ease and then take it into the den where I have parked myself until able to walk without support.

2. Put some cracker or another easy middle of the night small snack by the bed. Eat and then wait a bit before takin medication in the night.

3. Starting soon as my concentration is back, work on a written project each day in addition to reading a lot and frequently occupying myself with sites on the internet.

4. Get dressed each day after taking a sponge bath. Wearing pajamas all day is comfy but not helpful to my attitude or sense of progress.

5. In a couple of days start connecting with family and friends via a written note, call, email/text.

6. Start Thankful Thursday again.

7. Also keep a journal of successes . And to list those need to do or do better items


  1. Seems very ambitious ... relax!

    1. It is really to make me more comfortable and Hubby less,stress

  2. Good idea to put these tips down in writing. Maybe put post-its about, too, to help you remember them. I applaud you for wanting to get dressed everyday. agree that can do wonders for your attitude. You will feel less like a patient or invalid. Hope you have a list of good books to read. Keep us posted on your progess.

    1. I started with a pile of 17 paperback and several on my Kindle. There are two mor ready to be picked up from the library. My challenge is to do some things instead of reading all day LOL

  3. You are so organized. I'm sure that's going to serve you well as your heal.

  4. Thanks for sharing your list. I'm sure it will help many of us who find ourselves in similar circumstances. If you want to "travel" check out "the Luxury Travel Expert" on YouTube. A few days ago, I went to Capetown, Africa, and truly enjoyed it! Hope your day goes well.

  5. Some excellent points. I understand perfectly about the pajamas. I got out of mine as soon as I could find something soft enough not to rub on my stitches.

    God bless.

    1. I hope it didn’t take long for stitches to stop hurting.


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