
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Pre-op appointments week

 So it seems that my bunion surgery is going to happen on June 25th. I can't say I'm looking forward to it but I keep telling myself it is an investment in my future mobility.

My 90+ year old neighbor has told me (repeatedly I might add) that she need knee replacement surgery but can't have it because of her age and health problems. Fortunately she told me again just a few days ago when I was wondering why I am putting myself through the pain and slow recovery of another foot surgery when my foot doesn't even hurt when I walk!!! 

Since I'm not going to get younger and my foot will only get worse this needs to happen. 

We just mailed in our passport renewal applications so I am clearly hoping for international travel in the future. Perhaps the pandemic end and my foot full recovery will coincide.

I'm glad all the pre-op is as far in advance as possible.

- Monday I had a 7 am appointment for my blood test. The employee who showed up 5 minutes after that didn't have the right key to unlock the door and had no idea how long it would be until someone showed up with a key. Fortunately there is another location in town so I hopped over there and had the blood drawn.

- Tuesday I went to see my internist and it turns out the lab didn't do one of the required tests. Sigh. But at least I passed the EKG, etc. I also learned that the holdup on a referral for something else was that she had put the wrong info in the referral request. Thank goodness it isn't anything serious or urgent.

- Today (Wednesday) after the dog sees the vet for her monthly shot I will go back to the lab and give some more blood so that can be checked off!

- Thursday I see the surgeon and then it will just be follow up to make sure all the forms get turned in on time, my last minute COVID test is actually scheduled, and I know when to show up at the hospital.

All that will be left then is to have the COVID test, rent a knee scooter, pick up the painkiller and anti-nausea prescriptions (the painkiller causes me to vomit lol) and set up the house for recovery.

I have to say the vet and vet's office is much more organized, less cumbersome to navigate for care,  and always follows up without reminders. 

So what does it say about the American healthcare system when my dog gets better organized care than I do?


  1. Good luck with that surgery, Juhli. Hopefully you will have a fast recovery and be ready to travel when the world is ready for you. My girlfriend has really bad bunions. I wish she would get hers done too. She complains so often, I wish the pain could go away.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that your friend won't take action to relieve her pain. My understanding is that if you let them get really bad they may not be able to fix them all the way. My doc calls mine "baby bunions" but the one already fixed still caused pain in the bottom of my foot when I walked.

  2. You make a good point that eventually as we age, like your neighbor in her 90s, sometimes we can't have certain surgeries done. Best wishes with your bunion surgery.

    1. Thank you. I know from experience it is hard to jump into elective surgery but my future self will thank me lol.

  3. It sounds as though you're doing everything in your power to be ready for your upcoming surgery. Good for you! In answer to your question, I think we are living in changing times. I have health issues that sometimes flair and require me to go to ER and/or the hospital. Although I am very, very thankful for all the healthcare workers who help all of us, I have concerns too. It's understandable that Covid-19 put the healthcare system in a tailspin, and they are gradually getting back to normal. Although this might sound petty, my biggest concern is the lack of attention to detail. I'm referring to record keeping, cleanliness of facilities, and follow through when it comes to ongoing patient care. I think it's going to be increasingly important for us to try to have loved ones advocate for excellent care as we grow older. I also hope that there will be incentives for young people to enter all branches of the medical field, because we are facing shortages. Even though I see areas of need, I know that most Americans have access to better healthcare than many in the world, thank goodness, but there's room for improvement. BTW, I think you're wise to go ahead with your surgery and I hope every single thing falls into place for you.

  4. Good luck with your surgery Juhli. I am sure you will be glad once you recover fully.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...