
Friday, May 7, 2021

Not in my plans but definitely a first

 But still a life first - an ambulance ride. Not to worry, I am doing fine now but last night was a different story.

Symptoms like food poisoning or stomach flu (norovirus) with the latter the likely culprit as Hubby wasn't sick. I got quite dehydrated and weak so he call the paramedics who were great and then spent the wee hours of the morning in ER where they patched me up and then sent me home. Glad he decided to call as I wasn't in any condition to decide.

Hubby was asleep at 3 am of course but came and got me and brought me a coat and slippers as I was only in pajamas and socks. Remember it is cold in an ambulance and ER and grab something warm to take with you! The staff were all wearing fleece pullovers.

Anyway, I count myself lucky to not have been in an ambulance in 71 years of life. Now I have and I'm sure the neighbors are going to be asking what happened as the security staff first responders, fire truck and ambulance all showed up. Not an uncommon site in a 50 and over community and they have a wonderful response time. Still, a first time event at our house.

All this means I wasn't able to go to our first since February 2020 in person book club this morning. I was so looking forward to it but too little sleep and the possibility of infecting others kept me home.

Anyone else find riding in an ambulance makes them car sick? That was on top of everything else so they gave me a shot to stop the nausea which was great.

Today is already a better day so onward.


  1. Bless your heart. Glad you are already feeling better. But sorry for this experience. Aren't ambulances and hospitals just freezing?? They could save a lot of money by cranking up the thermostat a bit. Hope you are back to 100%!

    1. Thanks but looks like it is going to run more than a day. Can be up to 3 days.

  2. Wow, I'm glad you're feeling better now! I've never been in an ambulance either. I think they keep those ambulances cool on purpose because it slows down the body.

    1. Thanks. It seems it is going to last more than a day but not as violently so I haven’t gotten dehydrated again.

  3. What a great record of not needing an ambulance for the first 71 years of your life! Yes, it seems the ER is always cold and time sure drags when you're waiting for care. That being said, what a blessing it is to have them when we need them! Even though I live in a small community, the local ER and hospital has helped me numerous times following complications related to cancer surgery. I have much admiration for all those who work in ERs (I sure couldn't do it!). Hoping you feel better soon, Juhli, and try to have a happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you and yes we are lucky to have ERs available. Been to them several times but never before by ambulance.

  4. Hope you have made it through by now and are on the other side. And hope your husband didn't catch it! Now just watch out for the ambulance bill to arrive; that alone can make one faint.

    1. I am better but not fully well yet. Whatever it is (yet to be determined), is apparently not contagious but it did make us realize we need a neighbor to agree to take in our dog with multiple health issues on a short term basis until a son could get here. If we had both gone to the hospital with our local son out of the country she wouldn't have survived. I am curious if I will owe anything for the ambulance since our insurance plus Medicare always ends up with $0 out of our pockets.


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