
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thankful Thursday 2021 - #2

I found yesterday’s inauguration, first press conference, exec orders,, and evening virtual celebration very moving. I have hope again for a better future. I know several people who were so moved by the day that they were in tears. I do feel so sorry for those who thought until the end that Trump would remain in office. I hope they find a way to let go of their delusions and become focused on a positive reality and help move the country forward.

Back to regular blog programming and what I am particularly thankful for in the past week.

1. A week ago my club had a most interesting speaker, Sarah Lynn Shreegen. She is a social worker who works mainly in the schools with at risk kids and a local author of books for children and youth that help them develop the skills to navigate social emotional challenges. Several club members had given grandchildren some of her books or read her latest youth book and said they are great.

2. Thank goodness for a DIL who was willing to give a go at trimming my hair at my back neckline . It is so much better and she did just what I hoped for.

3. We found a source of dog food that is suiting our little pal. No more trying to cobble together something and she is doing well physically.

4. I learned that the laws governing nonprofit charitable California organizations have a section covering emergencies. As a result all of the things we have done during the pandemic are legal although not covered in our bylaws. Not that my service club is big enough for anyone to care but we want to be good stewards. Thanks to the Secretary of State for issuing this guidance.

5. We had gale force winds for 24 hours and the half dead pine near our home didn’t drop any limbs of significance. We have asked the HOA to remove it but there are many others in more dire need so we wait and cross our fingers when the high winds come. The developers of this community were from New England and planted trees they knew from home. Now they are all old, way too big and not suited to the climate. 


  1. My hair is driving me nuts, does your D-I-L make house calls? LOL

    1. She did actually lol. Just cut the back straight across and left the rest alone at my request.

    2. I THINK I have gotten the trimming my own nape down fairly well. We'll see when I next visit family, lol

  2. I am one of those that not only cried, but at moments sobbed. It has been an awful, awful time, and the breath of fresh air that came swooping down on us all yesterday was more than I could handle without becoming emotional.

    Much work for us all lies ahead to ensure it never happens again. I want COMPROMISE to be a great big banner hung across the floors of the Senate and the House.

  3. Wasn't it wonderful to see all the American flags? And that poet laureate was so eloquent, her poem so moving.

    1. Yes to both! I find the youth poet laureate's story of overcoming learning/processing disabilities as well as her passionate poem so heartening.

  4. I did get a haircut a few months ago, and insisted on masks for us both. It turned me off that they had gotten lax about masks, and I don't plan on going back for the foreseeable future. Maybe I will go back to a ponytail.

    1. Both my DILs are sporting ponytails at times now. I just keep chopping. In CA hair salons are closed in most of the state due to the incredible infection rate so it is simply not an option. Even if our mobile hair stylist was willing to come we aren’t willing to do it.

  5. The inauguration brought me to tears. I felt such gratitude for all those who have come before us and built our nation and a system for governing our democracy. Wednesday did not disappoint, even though they had to make changes for added security. Our country has much to accomplish in the days (years) ahead, but I have hope for things to get better.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...