
Friday, January 22, 2021

RESET: my (and the country’s) word for the year

Definition: to set, adjust, or fix in a new or different way: to reset priorities; to reset prices.

Synonyms: readapt, readjust, recalibrate, “reboot”


The inauguration and looking forward to the government’s policies and practices being reset made my mind up!

Personally I think I could use a reset in lots of areas as it is predicted to take at least through June to even get healthcare workers, care home residents and over 65s vaccinated in my county due to a lack of vaccine supply. Pandemic sluggishness and bad habits cannot continue and meet my goal of exiting the pandemic in very good health. The ones I want to impact may well sound familiar as it seems they are epidemic along with the pandemic.

So I am going to try to RESET:

My morning routine to include stretching (no matter how chilly it is down on the yoga mat). My daily routine needs to include a walk without the dog as well as a good distance one for her unless it is raining or we have gale force winds again!

My snacking choices. Could I change how I eat to not snack at all without blood sugar crashes? Ideas welcome!

The frequency of reaching for alcohol at 4 PM. I didn’t drink at all for 3 years when recovering from a severe health problem so I know I can do it when motivated.

My tendency to withdraw under stress rather than reach out. I have friends and family who love me and I need to connect with them more.

Aimlessly surfing the internet vs engaging in some more fulfilling activity. My only real hobby is reading so I need more ways of happily spending time.

That seems like enough very large changes. I am liking having monthly areas of focus to be more productive. January has been on finances and all I have left is to select the right TurboTax software for our situation and clear out paper financial files.

 I’ve picked technology for February - updating, organizing/decluttering, and backing up. It may have to continue into March!

Are you feeling the need for or planning any changes as the pandemic continues?


  1. My only planning lately has been to get off the computer by noon and then spend the rest of the day working on projects around the house. I do need more structure in my days and now that we have a new administration I think I'll be able to concentrate on me more and national issues and politics less.

  2. I've changed to slightly larger breakfasts andunches. It means I estdinner a tad later than I used to but I get by without snack at least as often as I dint although thanks to my horseplay I have milk in the evening. Except for the blog this year I'm exiting all my fb interest groups and unfollorung everyone but my kids for lent. I continually struggle with structure and that may be my primary Feb goal.

  3. Horsepills. Gotta stop using phone for commenting.

    1. You had me really wondering what kind of horseplay you were getting up to in the evening!
      Horsepills not as much fun as horseplay.

    2. How funny Susie - love your comment!

  4. Sounds like a really good plan. Me, well mine is to get through all those crafts once and for all. Started to declutter and clean my sewing/craft room today. I think I will be busy for a very long time.

    God bless.

  5. I like your word and it looks like you have made some really good, realistic goals. Yes, I feel the need to continue to "get my ducks in a row" as we wait for our world to turn right-side-up again. I sure do hope it doesn't take too long.

    1. It is definitely taking too long! But, we will persist in staying safe hopefully.

  6. Juhli, I'm guessing you already watched Dr Deborah Birx being interviewed on Face the Nation this morning, but if you didn't, I think you can watch it online. I know how much you value science, and this interview helped me better understand how important it is for independent scientists to work for our government.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. My husband spent 20 years working for the CDC and we both are social scientists so yes it is very important to me. I have really mixed feelings about her though after the strategy she chose for dealing with Trump.

  7. Great applications and plans for your WOTY. I need to reset this 'don't care' attitude about my weight and fitness. Can't seem to get a fire set under me. I guess when I can't wear a single thing, maybe I will finally realize it's time!!

    1. I’m having motivational problems too. Ideas and plans are one thing but doing is another.


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