
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Moving past November’s hunkering down

 In retrospect I spent November pulling back from social contact and not doing much of anything except my Thankful Thursday lists to help myself move forward. After months of pandemic restrictions and surgery recovery/rehab I guess I needed to quietly recharge. I am now officially bored by myself though.

While December will offer some respite for us if we follow through with our plans to see our children and grandchild after we all have quarantined ourselves I do think there is going to be at least a full year after that of continuing pandemic restrictions.

So I’ve begun thinking a lot about the paths to use to get to and through acceptance and on to action that can be taken to help keep me and my loved ones whole.

One small step yesterday when I emailed my nephew on his 40th birthday and mentioned that I missed him. He lives alone and although working from home emailed back quickly. As a result we are going to set up a Zoom call and reconnect. It is past time to do that with others but at least it is a start.

Please share any action plans that are helping you through this or that you are going to try soon.


  1. You are doing the responsible thing, to quarantine yourself before seeing your family over the holidays.

    Another change you should consider is not serving food buffet style where each person is serving themselves with the SAME utensils. Have one person serve everyone kind of like a cafeteria line and don't pass around things like water pitchers or gravy pitchers.

    1. Those are good suggestions. They have been quarantining too though so I think we will be fine.

  2. Getting outside each and every day. It takes energy to get up and out the door, but it is the most consistent way for me to deal with the stress of our many COVID restrictions. We try to remain outside for a minimum of two hours, much longer if possible. Even sitting in our car just looking at something pretty helps.

    Otherwise, I make a list of To-Do’s each day, and that helps a lot to keep focused and moving forward.

    We are focusing on outdoor light displays this holiday season, the ones where we feel confident we can remain distanced and moving. And I’m planning things like a Holiday movie and Baily’s & hot cocoa night (ha!), a cookie baking session, and takeout from some of our favorite restaurants. It helps to know that with the vaccine awaiting sometime in 2021, we shouldn’t have to do this again.

    1. You seem to do a great job of keeping meaningfully occupied..

  3. Go outside or take a drive (on the crappy outside days (even Texas has em in December and January) I have been known to divide errands up into days and be completely inefficient just so I can take a roaming drive on the way to each place). I'm working on plans this week and for January now so that I have things planned daily even if th are at home.

    1. Getting outside really does help and our dog makes sure we do that. I do need to try to go somewhere each week if only for a drive.

  4. I walk every day, and have started to say something uplifting on Facebook every day.

    My next idea is to see what free courses are available and start one in January. Perhaps even learn a new craft (or two).

    God bless.

    1. Walking and courses are my husband’s go to activities and it works for him.

  5. Ugh...I know I am being silly and naive but had hoped that with the new year, we would see a return to what was normal. Thankful that we might be plateauing. Although, Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings will probably make that short-lived. Glad you will soon be with your darling granddaughter.

    1. I know how you feel. If by next summer the vaccines have mad a difference we can all be happily surprised at what we can do.


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