
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Oops, it's time to think about the big holidays already!

Last weekend we had lunch with our son and DIL who innocently asked, "What are thinking about for Thanksgiving this year? We are happy to have Christmas at our house."

A bit speechless my first thought was - wait, it is that time again already? You see for about 15 years of the 20 we lived in Atlanta we spent those holidays alone unless we or our family traveled across the country. We developed very low key responses to them. A slightly nicer than normal dinner cooked at home for Thanksgiving. Christmas was dinner out on Christmas Eve followed by a drive around to enjoy the lights. A few decorations on the mantle - maybe. We sent gifts of course but mostly just went on with daily life.

Last year was our first back in the neighborhood of lots of family. A long weekend in Berkeley for the granddaughter's birthday party, back home to pick up the pre-cooked turkey, etc. from Whole Foods and cook the side dishes for a nice dozen or so family members for Thanksgiving. Christmas Eve and Day at our son and DIL's. Then I completely forgot about all of it LOL.

So here is the plan this year. Halloween is just a card to our granddaughter as we live in a 55+ community so no trick-or-treating. A long weekend in Berkeley for her 2nd birthday party and then hurry home for Thanksgiving prep. I'm sure it will be lovely!


  1. I appreciate this. John always had to work New Years eve and sometimes the day before so never traveled at xmas and then were in Germany. The first really big holiday with sixteen people at my in laws house was a shock to the system.

    1. The thought of hosting Thanksgiving last year almost put me into tears until we came up with the idea of buying a cooked turkey and gravy. Lifesaver.

  2. We're coming to prefer a low-key holiday dinner. Visiting throughout the year means no big seasonal obligations. I like to enjoy relaxed visits with family and friends.

    1. I'm with you but now we are the ones looked to for Thanksgiving. This year will be easier I think it really is the 4 of us doing it (Hubby, son and DIL all pitch in)

  3. Thanksgiving at my father's house in Texas, where I will likely do all the cooking. Christmas Eve will be spent looking at the lights at the harbor near our home. Some will go to midnight services. Christmas morning we will go kayaking in same harbor with our family, then return to our place for dinner. It's our new tradition since moving to the coast.

    1. I love making new traditions! Lights and kayaking sound perfect.

  4. We live a block away from an elementary school, so we get lots of trick-or-treaters. Buying and stocking the candy is my job! As for T'giving ... meh, I never liked the holiday anyway. But we're hoping for some family time at Christmas.

    1. I had to laugh at you reaction to Thanksgiving! I loved it when I wasn't in charge lol.

  5. I always prepare the Thanksgiving and usually have one daughter and her family home. This year, it seems no one will be here for Christmas or Thanksgiving. Not sure how to handle that! But I know you and I will enjoy ourselves, no matter who is along for the ride.

    1. We approached being alone on Thanksgiving the first time by treating it as a completely different fun day. Climbed Stone Mountain (any hike will do!). Tacos for lunch. Raked leaves to music. Chinese food for dinner. It made it a fun day not a sad, nostalgic one.


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