
Monday, February 12, 2018

I'll be back later in February & want more blogging ideas please

I've been busy exploring other parts of life with less time online and we are driving to Berkeley later this week to spend a 4 day weekend with our younger son, DIL and granddaughter. Lucky us to be able to hop in the car and do this now.

In the meantime please keep sharing what you would like me to blog about going forward.

During my break I've been:

1. Taking an art history class on American Art from colonization to the 20th century and another called Jazz Meet Country: A History of Western Swing.

2. Attending a Great Decisions foreign policy discussion group through AAUW.

3. Enjoying meals with friends old and new.

4. Starting the process of getting our legal lives up to date with California wills and POAs. Learned more about the benefits of setting up a revocable trust and agreed with attorney that she will subtract what we paid for the above from the cost of the trust when we are ready. Left it to her to draft what we need so we can get them signed.

5. Getting our taxes done for 2 states and the IRS by an accountant back in Georgia.

6. Trying to find a schedule for exercise with yoga/stretching and walking the rest of the time for now.

7. Taking a Raw Chocolate Making class with my older son's fiancee who is such fun and truly has been a daughter for so long (they have been together 20 years!). We also had lunch at a beach side cafe and talked about wedding decor ideas and dresses.

8. Starting to get refunds from our health insurance for our Medicare payments which will eventually totally $1200.

9. Cheering that the HOA finally took down the almost dead tree in front of our house! Looking good.

10. Hubby started the 9 month long process of replacing a real tooth with an implant. Step 1: Tooth is gone.

11. Focusing on what I actually want to do that makes me happy. I like practical problem solving so I remade a blouse that I bought from the consignment store. I liked the fabric, it fit in the shoulders and bust and the style was terrible for me. The problem solving required was fun and I like the way it turned out!

Remade to suit me

 12. I also like to make soup, stews, quick breads and main dish salads so I have been cooking more of those.

13. I have decided to embrace my love of mindless cozy murder mysteries!

14. I went on a "blind date with a book". Right after reading this post, book blind date, I wandered into the Friends of the library bookstore and they were selling blind date books! Here is mine. What do you think it is?


  1. Replies
    1. PS: How did you ever find a piece of lace to fit that neckline perfectly?!

    2. Actually I took the lace off!

    3. Nice guess on the book, but not it.

    4. Did you have the 'before' and 'after' notations on there the whole time? LOL My bad. Makes perfect sense now! And now I will say that I like it much better without! :)

    5. Nope, I added the photo labels after your comment so you didn't miss a thing.

  2. Well obviously it depens how historical exactly. The Alice Network perhaps. Personally except for the HOA or hubs tooth, you could write on any of the above and the would probably interest me!

    1. That was a good book wasn't it? Not this one though.

  3. Busy, busy, busy! How do you fit so much in? I love that you have so many interests. Foreign policy discussion group is an interesting choice. So important to know what is going on internationally and to formulate a response. I’m not sure I could blind date with a book. It’s bad enough with the choices in my book group. I get to read some awful trash sometimes. I did a foundation course on art history with the Open University. It is something I would like to develop further. Your hackof the top is great and SO much better without the lace. Enjoy your break.

    1. Thanks Catherine. At $2 (a donation to the library) the blind date book was a pretty low risk effort. I don't finish books if I don't like them and miss my Atlanta book club for not caring if you read the book or not!


Five plus on Friday

Happy Pi Day! We are planning to visit a food truck midday to pick up a small pie to celebrate math and  🥧. 1. Glorious Spring weather on a...