
Friday, January 19, 2018

5 for Friday: 2018.3

Working on my 2018 ABCs (Adventure, Beauty & Comfort) led to this -

A week of exercise and socializing more than usual. Glad that our calendar is starting to fill up!

1. We took Hubby's 88 year old aunt and 91 year old uncle out for lunch. I always enjoy their company. It was lovely but a bit sad how grateful they were that we came to see them. We must do it frequently. They are not geographically close to their son and his family so we are trying to step it up now that we live here again.

2. I had ordered 8 warm weather tops to get free shipping with the hopes that 1 or 2 would be keepers. I was right and feel I look good in this one although it obviously wasn't so warm when I took this picture. I confirmed that it was a keeper with my Facebook style group - an international group of women who are so helpful and kind. I've met a few in person and they were so nice.

 3. We went to see "The Post" on Sunday afternoon and it was very engrossing despite already knowing the ending. I see why the actors didn't win at the Golden Globes though as it was more of an ensemble performance movie despite having 2 top stars in the leading roles. Then we went to our local brewery for beer and pizza and the last quarter of the Saints-Vikings playoff game. What an exciting ending!

4. Hubby saw that there were going to be 6 to 8 foot waves so we headed to the beach to watch the surfers. He no longer surfs but the pull is strong! A walk along the boardwalk followed by gourmet tacos on the Ventura pier. Retirement life in S. Cal is so hard lol.

5. Had lunch with a friend from way back in my working life who I haven't seen in years and we scheduled lunch with some other old friends from grad school.


  1. Love the outfit...looks pulled together and fun at the same time.

    I, too, am married to a former surfer. :)

    1. Just curious - does he want to go watch them catch the waves and talk about his surfing days?

  2. Maybe he would if he were in California. LOL He did make a trip there as a young adult with surfing friends, and has fond memories. As it is, he spent over 20 years working off shore in the Gulf of Mexico (petroleum industry), and has had his fill of the coast. Salt air doesn't hold an appeal for him as it used to.

    1. 20 years off shore would be enough ocean for most people!

  3. It is convenient to order clothes online. Sometimes I shop at a favorite store locally but sometimes just send away. Your hubby's aunt and uncle must enjoy your visits and going out with you.

    1. We really enjoy this aunt and uncle so it is a win-win that we need to be sure to do more often. I remember too how grateful and excited my Mom was in her 90s when someone would ask her to go out.


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