
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

September in (Not Quite) a Sentence a Day

Today, I’m excited to join in with a group of fabulous bloggers to share my September in a sentence a day review. My thanks to Leslie who organized the sentence a day link up.

1st - Spent my birthday alone as Hubby out of town but enjoyed the phone calls and messages from family and friends.

2nd - Picked Hubby up at airport and saw the burning hills above Burbank first hand.

3rd - The family all arrived to spend the weekend which had to be the best birthday weekend so far with all my "kids" and granddaughter plus dogs visiting.

4th - We all went out for lunch at a local brew pub and were highly entertained by the granddaughter before going to see her Great Grandpa for a bit!
5th - We all took a long walk to the nearest park just to watch joy on her baby face as she was in the swing for about 3 minutes; then came home, helped them pack the car and said goodbye for now.

6th - Laundry, dishes, remake beds, post items left behind including baby's favorite blanket, credit card fraud called so waiting for a new card, and tired.

7th - Took my new large shopping/beach bag made by my DIL for my birthday with me to make the rounds of the local thrift and consignment stores.
8th - Another very interesting art history class session about Seurat and the post-Impressionists, a way too brief visit with cousins from N.H. as they drove through S. Cal on their way back to the airport, and a good, inexpensive dinner at a new to us tiny hole in the wall local Thai restaurant.

9th - Went to part 2 of the new resident orientation and learned some helpful things about what the HOA allows us to do without approval and with approval.

10th - Phone calls with husband's aunt and my brother followed by a coastal drive to view the ocean.

13th - The best masseuse ever!

14th - The Women's Club in my community put on a fashion show fundraiser with Macy's providing outfits so it was interesting to see what their fashion stylists thought women over 55 in S. Cal would want to wear.

15th - Came home from my OLLI class very happy for having chatted with 3 women I can see as friends and very ready for lunch only to find Hubby in a dither over problems with his computer and did not react well - in fact can say I way overreacted in a not good way - sigh.

16th - Had fun plans but in the end we stayed home with one event cancelled and the other seeming like too much effort after I bathed the dog, walked her and did some house cleaning.

17th - My older son and DIL asked to meet for coffee on their way to do some shopping for items needed for their upcoming trip to Greece and we spent an hour chatting and laughing which is really why we moved back to California to be near family.

19th - Found the most adorable raincoat for my baby granddaughter at the local consignment shop on sale for $3.84 (plus shipping of course LOL).

21st - Fall seems to be here right on schedule so I wore jeans and made veggie soup for dinner along with apple salad and garlic bread.

22nd - I really enjoy having made 2 friendly acquaintances in my art history class and chatting with them each Friday.

23rd - Hubs and I went on a short hike at a nearby city park in the Santa Monica mountains and learned its human history as a Venturano Chumash Indian site and location of a stagecoach stop, saw volcanic outcrops and learned about local plants, great views and generally had fun.

24th - Met a whole lot of bright, energetic, motivated women at the annual kick-off meeting for the local AAUW branch (American Association of University Women) and heard nine articulate, bright, and enthusiastic 8th grade girls talk about their experiences at a week long summer TechTrek program the group sponsored them for so I joined up.

25th - Bought a pair of gray slip on Skechers which I hope will work as casual and around the house shoes in cooler weather.

26th - Car serviced & oil change, grandbaby's jacket mailed, more books from the library and scheduled handyman service so I can check all of those off.

29th - We went to the new Tom Cruise movie and although I thought he did a good job with his role overall I didn't think it was worth seeing.

30th - My first Fall in S. Cal in 20 years and the first one in an (almost) coastal location for 40 years so I am slowly creating a weather and new lifestyle appropriate Fall wardrobe capsule aka Project 333 which led to 3 outfits I liked this week although 2 used the same new top - oh well.


  1. Glad you had a happy birthday sounds like this move has been a very positive one for you and DH! I love California and the weather there, in fact my only son lives in Los Angeles and I am always surprised at the changes in temperature in only one day! Love the outfit capsules for your new environment.

    1. Yes, the temp changes are large and I'm learning again how to layer.

    2. Juhli, I see lots of progress in September with regard to settling in to your new community! Both OLLI and the AAUW are terrific organizations attracting interesting people IMHO.

      Was the hike in the Santa Monica mountains guided? Sounds interesting! And love, love, love the cute raincoat for your granddaughter!

    3. Thanks Tamara and yes I am starting to find my "tribe". The hike we took was very short and in a city park so no guide.

  2. Great to read about your explorations in your new locale, Juhli, and making new friends. I like your approach to build your new wardrobe. I'm wearing out my clothes until I have a new clothing plan that hopefully covers our four seasons here without too much buying new.

    1. Thanks. I'm not buying much either but do need some new items. Mostly trying new combinations and learning how to dress for the weather.


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