
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September goals update & moving on to October

I tried to keep my September goals reasonable but once again overestimated my ability willingness to focus lol.

I did really well with family and friends related goals. Met up with my cousins as they traveled through California, had a long chat with an elderly aunt, talked to my close friend in my former location and emailed too, talked to my brother and FIL and sons, wrote 2 cousins and my aunt but the latter was returned so I know have her current address and will try again. Did decide I was too worn out to make a brief trip up north to see the grandbaby so I'm going to lose my SW Airlines credit but I would have had to spend more to make the trip. Sent

I made progress on my personal goals too. I have upped my exercise with about an 80% of days results, got my flu shot and signed up for a yoga fundamentals class to try a new teacher. I worked on meeting potential friends as I joined AAUW locally, volunteered for a fundraising event for the county animal shelter, and attended my OLLI class faithfully. I picked out a potential cross body purse pattern but that is as far as I went with sewing.

I really want to finish our cross country move related tasks but alas I didn't. I did schedule the handyman service for 10/6, ordered shutters for the relevant windows after Hubby finished painting, bought some more items for our emergency supplies and hung a few pictures. I still need to update our wills, etc. and finish purchasing the emergency supplies.

On the retirement related front: Hubby signed up for Medicare Parts A & B and has finished his paid working days since he is required to take the final 2 days of September as vacation since he did not want to make one more trip back to Atlanta!

Not perfect but not shabby.

October will be the first month we are both retired and living on retirement income. I will receive my first SS payment and be fully on Medicare. We will be dog sitting for my son and DIL's dog for 2 1/2 weeks while they take a 20th anniversary trip abroad. I've never had 2 dogs at once much less when I have to take them out on a leash. Thank goodness he is a sweetie and the dogs get along well.I will keep going to my OLLI class, exercising and attending activities. We might even get the last of the pictures hung and figure out what to do with the ones that don't suit this house. That plus family time, some recreation and normal day to day life should pretty much fill up the month.


  1. I thought you did great, Juhli. September seems to go by so quickly for me. Other than regular exercising, it doesn't feel like I've accomplished much.

    1. You area an inspiration with your exercising!

  2. I love your goals. Very inspiring thing to do!

  3. Very good written article. It will be supportive to anyone who utilizes it, including me. Keep doing what you are doing – can’r wait to read more posts. movers mar vista


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