
Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Irony of It

Last night was a lovely evening. Dinner at a cousin's house followed by attending a Beach Boys tribute band show. Some of our favorite music.

The irony part? For the last 3+ years we have listened to my FIL talk positively about the music performances at his assisted living facility and not so positively about living with a lot of "old" people (he is 90!).

So who were we surrounded by last night as we sat on folding chairs in the auditorium of the rec center at our 55+ community? Lots of "old" people! Our cousin commented that he felt young after being there LOL.

I'll be 68 in September and DH will be 65 in November. Not old "old" but certainly not young.


  1. My husband and I recently went to the movie theater to see 'The Hero' starring Sam Elliott. It was striking to walk into the back of the semi-dark theater and see a sea of white heads. LOL

    1. Yes! I think it still the baby boomer demographic bulge causing this although my 46 year old son is completely white haired too.

  2. Well, if you go to see a Beach Boys tribute band you gotta expect a lot of gray-haired fans. P. S. I love the Beach Boys and have the gray hair to prove it!

    1. Especially if you live in a 55+ community. Just a reality check.

  3. I remember seeing the Beach Boys several times in person. We just enjoyed an evening of Music Under the Stars with a Brooks and Dunn (country)tribute band. So wanted to dance but alas, my PC is not a dancer.

    1. How fun to have seen them in person. Did you see the Love and Mercy movie about Brian Wilson?


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...