
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

And today's unexciting moving in news

You won't be excited (but we are) that we now have towel hooks in the master bath and the shower door closes smoothly.

We also are the proud owners of a CA smog certificate. See our excitement (mostly that I managed to find the smog check place). I failed at finding a car wash that I wanted to use though.

I did find a hair salon to try and made an appointment.

I failed at finding the Women's Club weekly gathering place this morning and ran out of patience before I found someone to ask. Must have been how much I was looking forward to getting the smog check done!

The irrigation repair guy is working right now to replace drip irrigation lines and make sure everything is getting watered properly as well by the sprinkler system. Just turn in the right form and it happens. Nice.

What is totally unexciting is studying the CA driver's license test manual.

In more fun news, I am going to go here the resident swing band practice this evening. I love that type of music and sat through so many practice sessions with our younger son when he was pursuing instrumental music including participating in a jazz band. Live music with refreshments for free - sounds good.


  1. Your CA updates have me itching to move! I love change, and always have. ☺

    We are heading back down to Laguna Woods (the OC version of Leisure World) and Laguna Niguel to look at times in a week, and I can't wait. And had a realtor in last week to give us a realistic sale price on our current home. So we'll see where this all goes!

    1. 'homes' not 'times' . . . I seriously need to figure out how to turn OFF auto correct!!!

    2. Hope you get a clear vision of what is best for you right now and in the future. Didn't you just do major remodeling on your current home though?

    3. Yep. See my blog post just now for more (insert blush emoji here . . .).

  2. You have covered some ups and downs of moving; even the little things like towel hooks can seem big when you don't have them.

    1. True! I kept forgetting to get my towel from the other bathroom.

  3. Isnt it true that sometimes the smallest things make us happy after a move? Is Cali really making you take a test? Colorado just required a valid license from another state and an ID or two.

    1. Yes, they really make you take the test and rumor has it that you really need to study! Georgia just took our CA licenses and gave us GA ones.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...