
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Building my Retirement Wardrobe - January 2017 update

I really have been limiting my shopping to my list because I don't need to add extra stuff in my life right before a move!

Any clothing purchases in the first 3 months of this year will be focused on making sure I had the right clothing for winter in Atlanta and to travel to S CA for a week and then babysit in N CA for 2 weeks at the beginning of March. Also on the look out for items for Spring and our move.

I bought a pink knit top and camisole when I stopped at my favorite charity thrift store to drop off some items. It was 50% off day - $4.82 spent and a different color top for me. I have enjoyed wearing it already.

My watch broke so I bought similar Timex at Target since this is a functional item for me not fashion. It sits next to my Medic Alert bracelet so they have similar bands. $24.83 spent.

I was such a big spender this past month.

Well actually I have spent a lot, but it has been on bathroom remodeling, materials to "stage" our large yard, Pilates sessions, and plane tickets to CA for our February-March trip. Fortunately Southwest airlines was having a sale so the flights for both of us cost less than boarding our dog for 10 days will cost!

What I donated were some more old black items and a scarf that I have struggled with as it has too many colors and the print is too large and angular for me


  1. I like the pink color of your new top. January was an expensive month for you, but the money was spent on good things like future travel.

    1. Yes, the travel will be good. Shop for a new home, celebrate FIL's 90th, meet our granddaughter, and then babysit her for 2 weeks while Hubby goes home to tend the dog and house that is up for sale.

  2. I do a lot of my shopping for basics at H&M online. There prices are great - likely not much more than what you are paying used via Goodwill. I also appreciate I can order in a couple of sizes, and walk the ones that don't work into my local H&M for an easy refund. Their $19.99 stretch skinny jeans in a variety of colors are my go-to bottom basic, and they fit pretty much every body type. I do splurge on shoes, purses and jewelry though!

    1. Thanks for the reminder about H&M. I need to take myself to the store here to check things out.

  3. I love to bargain shop! I get such a high when I score!

    1. Me too! The other thing I am loving about consingment/thrift shopping for clothing is the variety. The stores seem to all have the same thing.


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