
Sunday, September 25, 2016

27 weeks & counting or is it 25 - to putting our house up for sale

Small steps completed this week.

- Washed the walls, treads and risers in the stairwell and found no painting is required
- Met with a potential contractor for the bath remodel; waiting for a bid
- Talked to our realtor who is now suggesting we list the house in mid-March to beat the rush.
- My husband managed to get the non-working chandelier down and Ace Hardware nearby had the right kind of socket to fix it! Working light again and little spent.

So why may we have 25 weeks left instead of 27 before the house is on the market? Our realtor is thinking that we may need to get a jump on the Spring listing rush.. The current plan is that I will be in Berkeley helping with childcare for our soon to arrive granddaughter from February 27-March 11 (assuming she arrives on schedule). We plan to be in S. CA the week prior to look for a home and to prepare for and celebrate my FIL's 90th birthday. So that will be a bit tight if we put it up mid-March.

Need to get on with all the prep a bit faster LOL.

Leftover to do's from last week:

- Work on cleaning basement floor
- Go through bedding and cedar chest; make decisions
- Try to thrift new coverlets/bedspreads for both beds
- Schedule appointment with the arborist to get bid for final pruning work prior to house painting.

I'm also doing a couple of meetings this coming week to continue transition my volunteer and officer responsibilities with my Friends of the Library group.

We just learned that my husband's 93 year old uncle is in hospice care. He is in California so there will be a funeral trip when he passes away.

We also found out the results of yet another blood test on our dog. Her liver function was not looking as it should be despite medication changes so a bile test was done to pursue the possibility that she might have developed a liver shunt which causes the blood to not flow through the liver. She is down to 15 pounds from a steady 16.2 pounds - dropped it all in 2 weeks. However, this latest test showed normal results! So now they are thinking she may have a low grade UTI and will test for that this week. We bought her some chunky stew canned food and she gobbled it down so at least we can get her to eat more. Generally she is happy and spunky - much better than before her medication changes for her Addison's Disease.


  1. Well you are busy ! I am glad about your dog eating better; these little beasts can make us feel so sad when they're ill ! xxx

    1. Since I am retired I need to be much busier for my own sanity LOL.

  2. The race is on! Glad to hear Princess is on the mend. Not good that you may have an extra trip for a funeral.

    1. Thank you and she is much better but some test results are still a mystery. My extended in law family is long lived as is my FIL but I am sure the next few years will see us lose most of them. Unfortunate but inevitable and we are lucky to have had them for so long.

  3. The first week on the market is the most important one. You want to be the top of the MLS. Find out how many houses actually sell in early March. Don't let him rush you. He gets points for listing a house....
    I suggest you get the realtor to come over NOW and take outside pictures of your house from many angles. Pretty, fresh and in the fall light. You also should take some good daylight pictures of the rooms that are ready. Remember- crisp white sheets over bedspreads. You have done a tremendous job with getting rid of stuff!!! Keep it going.
    Most all houses sell directly from the Internet. Staging and lighting are everything.
    Happy home selling. It is always an adventure! We ended up dropping out price $500 every other week so it would go back to the top of the MLS. We were the only ones who sold our house in our area two summers ago.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience! We have met with our realtor and she has worked this market for 30 years. In February she will check the inventory of listings and we will pick the actual date. Fortunately house are still selling in our area.


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