
Friday, January 8, 2016

Evaluation: December wardrobe additions - one month and a year or more ago

Apparently I don't usually buy much clothing for myself in December. This past December I bought several items though and there were some from years previous along with gifts.

December 2015  wardrobe additions:

Grey cuffed sweatpants - $21 Marshall's; 5 wears already - These really fit a wardrobe hole and fit perfectly. Great buy.

Silver bangles - $3 thrift store; 1 wear - I remembered why I don't like bangle bracelets! Not a good buy but less than a latte.

Antique silver and blue brooch - $21 Etsy; 1 wear - This is a keeper and goes with several things that were hard to accessorize. Good buy.

Olive paisley scarf - gift; 2 wears - A great addition to my accessories. Love the colors.

Prior Decembers:

Mixed metals dangle earrings - gift; 2014 - I requested these Etsy earrings and love them. Wear them when I am more dressed up and they go with lots of items.

Cranberry fleece pullover - $10 thrift store; 2014 - I wear this a lot in the winter. Can't beat the  price!

Brown alpaca cardigan - gift; 2012? - I have worn this so much that I wore a hole in it but was able to mend it. Recently I altered it by adding an old decorative button and a snap underneath to bring more shape to my waist and make it new again. I'm sure I'll wear this until it is unwearable.


  1. Grey cuffed sweatpants? That sounds so interesting - do you have a picture?

    1. They aren't cuffed like slacks but more like a knitted wristband. Perhaps I should call them jogger style? They are a tapered slim fit though and I like that.


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