
Monday, July 6, 2015

Counting down

I'm thinking about several things that are coming up soon enough that I am counting down the time.

23 months to my husband's retirement eligibility
6 months until 2016
2 months until I turn 66
2 2/2 weeks until we head to CA and see our kids!
1 day until my OLLI courses start

Not all of these are of the same level of importance of course but they are popping in and out of my head each day.

And while I am thinking about them I am wondering what possessed me to sign up for 6 classes at OLLI. Of course I don't have to go to them if I don't enjoy them but what was I thinking?

We are starting to make detailed plans for our trip to CA. The northern CA pair are flying down for a long weekend and we are all staying a few blocks from the southern CA pair. It will be a great weekend and then we will visit other family members and do some exploring of areas where we might land when we move. We are coming to grips with the reality that where we might choose to live may not be where we can afford to live so we need to explore more.

No plans for my 66th yet. I am thinking I may head to Boston and NH to visit family. Or perhaps the two of us can go to NYC and then I can go on to those for visits. Since my Mom died I have connected with some extended family on my Dad's side and I would like to see them as well as my cousins, brother and SIL. My youngest niece may be back at school in Boston by then too.

Well, now it is one hour until my Pilates session so I am off to the studio. Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Life is all about anticipation, and it seems like you have a lot to look forward to!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...