
Monday, June 1, 2015

Goals for the week of June 1

I wrote this list of goals for the coming week before I fainted and fell on Friday morning. I think I can still achieve them but will be stretching very carefully today at least. BTW, I don't list routine chores but am happy that my husband did all of the grocery shopping over the weekend as I was recuperating. Now to figure out what we will eat all week given what he bought.

Do you make a list of goals for the week or just do things as you think of them?

Family & Friends
- email nephew
- rent car for July vacation
- Call ill friend
- Have lunch or coffee with a friend
Diet & Food
- Plan dinners for week
- BBQ once (if rain permits)
- Use basil in one recipe
- Walk dog daily
- Stretch M, W, F (class on F
- Listen to one CD a day - my way of going through to see what to keep
- Draw/paint once
- Complete volunteer follow up work
- Shop for a summer dress and a belt
- Month end balancing
- Revise budget based on YTD
House & Yard
- Comforter to cleaners
- Spray weeds & spread weed preventer if weather permits
Decluttering & Move Preparation
- Deal with old family photos on desk and in frames
- Sort & shred papers as needed in 2 file drawers

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