
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Do you declutter? How's that working out for you?

Whew - I just got my 3 month tally of decluttered items up to 90 by putting an extra key away and finding that there were keys, key chains, padlocks, etc. in the drawer that could go out the door. Still more unidentified keys but that will be another day's effort. 27 items were added to the house for a net of 63. I'd better step it up if I am going to reach 365 less things by the end of 12 months!

Are you making an effort to declutter that is not driven by an upcoming move? What strategy are you using? Let's do this together.

UPDATE: Yeah, there are so many small things in the basement. What can I declutter without consultation? Hmmm. 2 items so far today.


  1. I declutter on an ongoing basis. It's easy. You put the stuff in the basement. You close the door. And, voila ... the house is neat and clean!

    1. That tends to be my husband's approach too!

  2. I wrote about this about three years ago but I would add that as Tom said, it IS ongoing. My son married last year and moved out and we had a garage sale in May. He's building a house and some more things are leaving the building this spring and then I will take a serious look at things! Where I will go from there is anyone's guess.

    1. It is ongoing! I have shifted a lot of my focus to limiting what comes into the house as that seems to be the only way to decrease the total.

  3. Hi Juhli, have just added you to my sites to float your boat link, hope it brings you lots of new readers.

  4. I am constantly on the lookout for things I can donate. This week it was 6 videos I had bought for my grandchildren. I decided to just DVR shows on the tv when I know they're coming over.

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