
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wartime Wardrobe Challenge update - I'm in the red on my rationing points

Since I didn't start this challenge at the beginning of the year, I started it with already having used up a lot of my rationing points. I had 2 points left for the year until I replaced my sandals (that really needed to happen!) which cost 5 points. So I'm 3 points in the hole and will need to replace another pair of shoes in the fall most likely. It is still interesting and worthwhile to think about this and it has led me to buy some used clothing and shop less which is the whole point. Conscious consumerism can only help in many ways as does this challenge and my own Plastic and Food Challenge.

I'm want to stay very conscious of my clothing purchasing choices so I am either going to keep tracking how much I've gone over my points or start from scratch on July 1st.

Today's Decluttering Item
Old prescription glasses donated to Lion's Club via optometrist office

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